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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 15, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Matt Klein <br />Public Works Worker Matt Klein was hired by the City of Hugo on August 27, 2012. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker <br />Matt Klein. <br />Approve Ordinance Opting out of Family Temporary Health Care Dwellings Statute <br />At its July 18, 2016 meeting, Council considered a new law that created a process for landowners <br />to place a temporary residential dwelling on their property to serve as a family health care <br />dwelling. This bill was signed by Governor Dayton on May 12, 2016, and will go into effect <br />September 1, 2016. This would automatically apply to all cities that do not opt out or do not <br />already allow temporary family health care dwellings as a permitted use under their local <br />ordinances. After discussion, Council directed staff to draft an ordinance to opt out of the statute <br />to provide temporary health care dwellings. Staff recommends Council approve the Ordinance <br />that opts -out of the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE 2016-476 AMENDING HUGO CITY CODE, <br />CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE II, ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. <br />Approve Resignation of Firefighter Michael Wamsley <br />On August 2, 2016, probationary Firefighter Michael Wamsley submitted his letter of resignation <br />from the Hugo Fire Department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of <br />Michael Wamsley from the Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Amendments to the Hugo Firefighters Relief Association Bylaws <br />On June 28, 2016, the membership of the Hugo Firefighter's Relief Association approved <br />changes to their bylaws and are seeking City Council ratification. The primary reason for <br />amending the bylaws was to incorporate a change in the lump -sum benefit level. The benefit <br />level was increased to $3,300 per year of service earlier this year, but the membership also made <br />a number of other changes. Most of the changes were small housekeeping measures, but some of <br />them carry some significance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda ratified the amended Hugo <br />Firefighters Relief Association Bylaws. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Interim Use Permit for Bolicek-9480 140' Street <br />Daryl Bolicek had requested approval of an interim use permit for a home occupation for a <br />brewing operation on property located at 9480 140th Street North. The property is 40 acres and <br />is located in the Agricultural zoning district. The applicant had requested flexibility on the use <br />of accessory structures, number of vehicle trips, and number of employees. The Planning <br />Commission considered this request at their August 11, 2016 meeting and unanimously <br />recommend approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2016-23 <br />APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A BREWING OPERATION <br />HOME OCCUPATION AS AN ACCESSORY USE, ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9480 <br />140th STREET NORTH. <br />