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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW WORKSHOP <br />MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2016 <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />ABSENT: Haas <br />STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Ron Otkin, <br />Accounting Clerk Anna Wobse, and City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />Discussion on Possible Investigator Position — Sheriff William Hutton <br />Sheriff William Hutton spoke to the Council about the need for a deputy/investigator to <br />serve the City of Hugo. There are currently seven individuals, led by Sergeant Wayne <br />Johnson, who are contract deputies assigned to Hugo. As such, they are able get to know <br />and work with residents, and are familiar with the community. With Hugo's growing <br />population, they are kept very busy and sometimes need to do their own follow-up <br />investigations. It is estimated approximately 25 percent of their time is doing follow-up <br />on calls, and they often need to go outside of Hugo. An investigator would be able to do <br />this follow-up work without taking a deputy away from the community. Performing <br />investigations would be their primary responsibility, but they would also be available to <br />assist in calls. The cost of an additional deputy would be $120,000, including wages and <br />other support. Adding this additional position would raise the cost per capita from $60.24 <br />to $68.88 in 2017. <br />Council generally agreed that law enforcement has changed over the years, with many <br />additional duties and complications. <br />2017 Budget Presentation�� <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin presented a PowerPoint slideshow to the Council to review <br />the 2016 mid -year budget and to lay the groundwork for the 2017 budget and tax levy. <br />Ron talked about "contingency budgeting" for expenditures that may or may not occur, <br />which helps keep Hugo's bond rating at AA+. Again this year, Hugo received no Local <br />Government Aide. A slight increase in market value has increased the tax levy by <br />$214,172 if the City maintains the current flat tax rate. If the Council chose to increase <br />the rate by I%, an additional $53,000 could be levied, and that would result in a $10.50 <br />increase on each property tax bill. <br />Ron presented the proposed 2017 tax levy. All but one of the City's existing bond issues <br />will be paid off in 2020. Ron talked about the CIP for streets that included eight road <br />projects. With current levy and state aid funds, not all these projects can be completed in <br />