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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 22, 2016 <br />Midyear Budget Review <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />eight years; however, when the debt levy drops off in 2020, these funds will be surplus <br />funds available and could be transferred into the CIP fund. <br />Ron concluded by saying that the budget as prepared is balanced with no transfers in, and <br />the proposed tax levy of $5,848,244 keeps the urban tax rate the same. Desired but not <br />included the budget was an apprentice position for the Public Works Department, two <br />monument signs, and replacement of the roof on the Fire Hall. Ron stated there is a need <br />to establish a facility maintenance fund. <br />There was discussion on the housing market, and how that affects the budget. Ron stated <br />that the City would not be able to maintain the flat tax rate if there was a large decline in <br />home values. With a lot of services tied to residential development, the City would <br />benefit by having more businesses. There was also discussion on increasing the tax rate <br />to get some of the things done that needed to be done, and Council talked about creating a <br />building levy and parks levy fund. The Council agreed on the need for an additional <br />deputy, and there was discussion on hiring one for half the year to allow for funds to be <br />spent on one of the monument sign. <br />Conclusion <br />Council agreed to talk about a CII' for parks and facility maintenance at the next goal <br />setting workshop in January 2017 and to consider an increase to the 2018 tax rate at that <br />time. <br />Staff was directed to prepare a resolution for approval at the September 19, 2016 City <br />Council meeting keeping the tax rate the same. Staff was further directed to investigate <br />phasing the police position to pay for a monument sign and look for a way to fund the <br />apprentice position in the Public Works Department. It was noted that it had been eight <br />years since a position was added to the Public Works Department. <br />Adiournment <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />