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2016.09.06 CC Packet
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2016.09.06 CC Packet
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9/16/2016 10:21:40 AM
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Minutes for the NE Water Summit on August 25, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Commissioner Miron asked if they were looking for any resolutions or letters of support for the <br />Legacy grant application. Phil explained that the application went in last month and will be <br />reviewed in January. He will check with the Board of Soil and Water to see if they can still be <br />submitted. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear talked about the importance of the rule changes. The Board is <br />hosting collaborative meetings with engineers to talk about what is working and what is not. <br />Board Manager John Waller encouraged the cities to bring their suggestions for rule changes and <br />funding requests to the Board. <br />Discussion on Joint Powers Agreement <br />The group had been provided a draft of a Joint Powers Agreement for consideration. Bryan Bear <br />explained that the primary reason for the document was to be able to provide a collective voice. <br />Lino Lakes Mayor Jeff Reinhart said is seemed unnecessary. Each City could discuss items <br />among themselves and perhaps provide resolutions. With the JPA, every city would have to <br />agree with what the Water Summit group does. Jeff said that every council needs a chance to <br />debate. <br />Centerville Council Member Bill Krebs indicated that he felt it was unnecessary and that we are <br />targets for the low White Bear Lake water level. He stated that the City of Columbus will be out <br />of this group once that is over, and that Columbus is dealing with other issues with the DNR, <br />BWSR, and the Army Corps of Engineers. <br />Senator Roger Chamberlain said the cities will get run over individually, and with an agreement, <br />the group can easily and formally as possible have the ability to push back as a coalition. There <br />are strength in numbers by leveraging the collective assets of the cities. <br />Columbus Mayor Dave Povolny said he was tired of hearing about conservation, purifying water <br />so New Orleans can get it. He does not want to be told how much water he can use. We need to <br />push back. <br />hhh.. <br />MN House Rep Peter Fischer spoke about friction between the Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. The <br />study is still ongoing and it indicates there is a bigger problem than in the past. Discussions and <br />cooperation needed to be had with the Tier 1 communities since they share the same concerns. It <br />is better to be proactive than reactive. He said he felt the group needed to continue meeting. <br />Forest Lake Administrator Aaron Parrish agreed. Forest Lake is on the same aquifer as <br />Columbus but it is important to work together as a group. It is hard to have every city voting on <br />an issue. He believes 95% of the time, all interests are the same. A JPA may not be the right <br />structure, and maybe another mechanism needed to be considered. <br />
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