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Minutes for the NE Water Summit on August 25, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />Centerville City Administrator Mike Ericson talked about the I-35 WE Coalition. Had the cities <br />not joined together, it would not have happened. He felt there was a need to talk about <br />formalizing the group. <br />Mayor Weidt said things would go further and faster if everyone works as a group. Things look <br />good now, but changes are to come regarding water regulations. Hugo has been proactive in <br />water conservation measures, and relationships with the DNR and RCWD have improved. <br />Waller stated that, however it is organized, it is important to have a voice. <br />City of Blaine Storm Water Manager Jim Hafner said he felt they needed to have a collective <br />voice, and though now may not be the right time, he believes the Water Summit may need to be <br />a collective group in the future. <br />Bryan asked for other items the group wanted to talk about at the next meeting in early winter. <br />There was interest in inviting the USGS to talk about the study, a desire to see the report on the <br />drawdown of Peltier Lake, and be provided a status report on the 17% conservation efforts and <br />how it is measured. It was said there needed to be continuing discussions on conservation. <br />Updates from Participants <br />Washington County recently held a ribbon cutting for their north shop. Part of the renovation <br />project involved replacing their septic system with a three-mile force main, which will improve <br />water quality issues. There is also a septic loan program available through the County. It was <br />said that the State lowered contamination levels and now homes are showing contamination. <br />There are 400-500 more private wells that need testing in the County. The County is also <br />working with schools on water conservation efforts. <br />Forest Lake is working on a water reuse project in their school district, and they have applied for <br />a water efficiency grant. <br />Centerville recently celebrated their 26th annual Fete des Lacs Celebration. <br />Scandia has replaced the toilets in their buildings to low -flow toilets, and they have seen a <br />difference in water usage. <br />Lino lakes is working on a large residential development in the northeast corner of the City. <br />They will be using surface water to irrigate and are interested to see how well it works. <br />Rice Creek Watershed District is obtaining the DNR permit for the drawdown on Peltier Lake. <br />The three-foot drawdown will take approximately 50 days. <br />Columbus owns three wells, and there is not a whole lot they can do to conserve 17%. <br />