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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Paul Christianson <br />The City of Hugo hired Paul Christianson as a Public Works Worker on September 27, 2004. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Public Works <br />Worker Paul Christianson. <br />Approve Preliminary Tax Lew for 2017 <br />At its August 24, 2016 mid -year budget workshop, the City Council listened to a presentation <br />from Finance Director Ron Otkin highlighting revenues and expenditures to date as well as <br />projections for the 2017 fiscal year. It was the consensus of the Council that the 2017 <br />preliminary tax levy provide for no change in the urban tax rate. The total proposed 2017 <br />property tax levy of $5,928,521 keeps the urban tax rate at 36.323% of tax capacity while the <br />rural tax rate will decline by 0.03%. The proposed levy will allow the City to add an <br />investigator/deputy position to the law enforcement contract as well as an apprentice position in <br />the street department, both effective the first of next year. The Finance Director believed this <br />levy is sufficient to fund the operating and capital budgets in fiscal 2017 and recommended the <br />City Council approve the levy. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2016-30 APPROVING PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY PAYABLE IN 2017. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Land — Outlot B, Oneka Lake <br />View <br />Each year Washington County sends out a listing of tax forfeited parcels in the City. The City <br />received a letter stating that Outlot B, Oneka Lake View went into tax forfeiture this year. The <br />previous owner failed to pay the property taxes. After reviewing the subdivision files from 1998, <br />it seems the area was platted as an outlot because it was mostly wetlands and likely <br />undevelopable. Staff had recommended the City Council approve the resolution conveying the <br />outlot to the City for conservation purposes. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2015-31 APPROVING THE APPLICATION BY A GOVERNMENTAL <br />SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX -FORFEITED LAND FOR CONSERVATION <br />PURPOSES. <br />Approve Purchase of a 2017 Mack Single Axle Snowplow Truck <br />Included in the City's Equipment Purchasing Fund is $185,000 for the replacement of snow plow <br />truck #202-07 in the year 2017, following the City's ten-year equipment replacement schedule. <br />After reviewing the maintenance history for this truck, Public Works staff recommended <br />continuing to follow the ten-year replacement schedule and purchase the replacement in 2017 as <br />normally scheduled. Staff had received a trade-in appraisal of $40,000 for the existing 2007 <br />Sterling plow truck currently in operation. Staff felt this was an acceptable value for the truck <br />and would utilize this offer if the option of selling it outright does not yield a higher value. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the trade-in of the 2007 Sterling and the purchase of a <br />2017 Mack GU712 AF chassis and equip it with Henderson snowplow equipment at a total cost <br />of $178,284.00. <br />