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2016.10.03 CC Packet
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2016.10.03 CC Packet
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11/3/2016 12:11:19 PM
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11/3/2016 12:08:30 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Cruise for Troops on September 24, 2016 <br />Cruise for Troops had submitted an application for an event where hot rods, muscle cars, and <br />motorcycles take part in a combined car and motorcycle cruise beginning and ending at Running <br />Aces in Columbus, MN. The route outlined in the application involved roads in Columbus, <br />Hugo, May Township, Scandia, Marine on St. Croix, and Forest Lake. Roads in Hugo include <br />CSAH 4, TH 61, CSAH 8, and CSAH 7. The applicant had hired deputies from Anoka County, <br />Lino Lakes, and Washington County to be present at all major intersections. Cruise for Troops, <br />as part of the Tribute to the Troops 5010 Non -Profit organization, pays tribute to our fallen <br />soldiers while raising money to help fund the education of the children who are left behind. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event Permit for the Cruise for Troops <br />event on Saturday, September 24, 2016 <br />Discussion on City Owned Property on Goodview Avenue <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway presented to Council concerns residents have regarding property <br />on the west side of Goodview Avenue, south of CSAH8. The City had acquired the 2.34 acre <br />property in 1987 with the Hugo Meadows subdivision through park dedication. There is limited <br />access to the site for parking and there are wetlands on the site, which makes it unsuitable for <br />construction of a park. Youth have built pedal bike jumps, knocked down branches, etc., on the <br />property. There have been complaints from two residents about undesirable behavior at the <br />property, and Washington County Sherriff's Office have been involved. <br />The City has limited options for what can be done with the property because it was received <br />through park dedication and must be held in trust for the public's use. Options the Council <br />considered were to maintain property as is currently, acquire all rights to property and then sell <br />to a private owner, vacate the property, or make significant changes to the property. The Parks <br />Commission had discussed this at their July 13 and August 10 meetings and agreed the property <br />should be sold but first wanted to hear what the Council and the neighborhood residents would <br />like to do. <br />Sergeant Wayne Johnson explained there have not been any serious incidents there, but it is an <br />area where kids hang out. Patrol has been increased, but the city still receives complaints. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder explained what it would take to acquire the rights to sell it. He <br />recalled the property was owned by a few individuals, and the City would need to contact their <br />descendants to gain rights to sell it. <br />pry• <br />The Council generally agreed there was value in holding the property for future uses such as a <br />trail rest stop, stormwater infiltration or wetland replacement; however, it was important to <br />address the neighbors' concerns. They further agreed a meeting should be held with the <br />neighbors and the Parks Commission at one of the Parks Commission meetings. <br />Visitor Presentation - RCWD Board Manager John Waller <br />Rice Creek Watershed Board Manager John Waller asked to be added to the agenda to address <br />the Council. Waller talked about the maintenance of JD2, mandate for irrigation, stormwater <br />
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