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2016.11.21 CC Packet
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2016.11.21 CC Packet
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11/17/2016 2:46:17 PM
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11/17/2016 2:44:48 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2016 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />Approve Renewal of Auto Dismantling License for Hugo Auto & Truck Parts <br />Mike Brant, owner of Hugo Auto Parts at 16615 Forest Boulevard North, had applied for <br />renewal of their Auto Dismantling Facility License, which expires on November 3, 2016. Staff <br />and Washington County conducted an inspection of the property on October 27, 2016 and found <br />the facility to be in compliance with City of Hugo and Washington County code requirements. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Auto Dismantling Facility License for Hugo Auto <br />Parts for two years, to expire on November 3, 2018. <br />Discussion on Feasibility Study for North Sunset Lake Project and Approval of Resolution <br />On Thursday, September 22, 2016 Council held a neighborhood meeting with property owners <br />on Homestead Avenue, 132nd Street, Homestead Drive, and 126th Street where information was <br />provided on a proposed improvements project. At their October 3, 2016 meeting, the Council <br />directed staff to prepare a Feasibility Study for the project. The Feasibility Study has been <br />completed. City Engineer Mark Erichson provided Council a brief update on the project <br />explaining the proposed improvements, project costs and potential schedule for construction in <br />May -October, 2017. Mark recommended Council approve the resolution accepting the <br />feasibility study and scheduling a public hearing on the project for December 5, 2016. <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -36 RECEIVING <br />THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE <br />PROPOSED NORTH SUNSET LAKE AREA STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried <br />- "'loon". <br />Memorandum of Agreement with Rice Creek Watershed District for Judicial Ditch No. 2 <br />Maintenance <br />In June 2012, the City of Hugo entered into a Memorandum of Agreement for the maintenance <br />of Judicial Ditch No. 2 for five years, to expire on December 31, 2016. The City performed <br />maintenance on the ditch to ensure proper drainage and was reimbursed by the RCWD at a <br />cumulative total of $200,000 over the past five years. The City wishes to continue minor <br />maintenance of the ditch, and it is agreed by the City and RCWD there are administrative and <br />other benefits if the City does. <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson explained there were minor changes to the agreement. The RCWD <br />is asking for an annual work plan and budget for submission to the District for review and <br />approval. Mark had spoken to the District and they explained it would be a low level work plan, <br />and they would like to budget for additional funds if necessary. Another change is a requirement <br />for documentation of costs prior to payment. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear stated they had discussed the dollar amount with the District at <br />previous workshops. The City does not believe the $200,000 will be sufficient to finish the ditch <br />maintenance through the next five years, and RCWD has encouraged the City to develop a work <br />plan and present an amended dollar amount for the next renewal of the agreement if needed. <br />
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