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G.2 Approve Annual Performance Review for Building Official Chuck Preisler <br />Chuck Preisler was hired by the City of Hugo as the new Building Inspector on November 29, <br />2004 and was promoted to Building Official in April 2010. Staff recommends Council approve <br />the annual performance review for Building Official Chuck Preisler. <br />G.3 Approve Acceptance of Improvements for Fox Meadows Phase 1 and 2 for Meridian <br />Land Company LLC, <br />Meridian Land Company has requested the City accept the improvements for Fox Meadows <br />Phase 1 and Phase 2 Development. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff has inspected the <br />work and recommends the City accept the improvements. Acceptance of the improvements will <br />start the one year warranty period. <br />GA Approve Reduction in the Letter of Credit for Meridian Land Company LLC, Fox <br />Meadows Phase 2 Development <br />Meridian Land Company has requested the City reduce their letter of credit for the Fox Meadows <br />Phase 2 Development. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff has inspected the work and <br />recommends the reduction of the letter of credit being held for the constructed improvements in <br />the Fox Meadows Phase 2 Development be reduced to $43,961.20 from the original letter of <br />credit amount of $439,612.00. <br />G.5 Approve Hiring of Trevor LeGros as Probationary Firefighter <br />Trevor LeGros has completed most of the required steps in the Hugo Fire Department hiring <br />process. Trevor is a seasonal worker and available to respond to daytime calls in the cold <br />weather months. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommends Council approve the hiring of Trevor as <br />a probationary firefighter pending the successful completion of his medical evaluation results. <br />G.6 Approve Promotion of Probationary Firefighters Tom Kaspszak and Ryan Nadeau to <br />Firefighter Status <br />Tom Kaspszak and Ryan Nadeau have completed their probation period with the Hugo Fire <br />Department. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommends Council approve their promotion to <br />Firefighter Status. <br />G.7 Approve Extension of Probationary Status for Firefighter Denise Jones <br />At its December 1, 2014 meeting, Council approved the hiring of Denise Jones as a probationary <br />firefighter. Denise is still working on the necessary requirements to become a regular firefighter. <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommends Council approve the extension of Denise's probation for <br />another six months. <br />H.1 Update on Water Conservation Rebate Program <br />In 2013, Council began discussions on water conservation in Hugo which included offering a <br />rebate program to residents for implementing water conservation improvements in their homes. <br />The City had received grants from Washington County and the Metropolitan Council Clean <br />Water Fund that was put toward rebates to residents for replacing toilets, washing machines and <br />