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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Lake to determine the best way to provide this connection. After evaluating this segment, it was <br />determined it is not the right time to provide a dedicated guideway. Alternatives were modified <br />to include new feeder bus service. Approximately 135 different community meetings have been <br />held in the past two years, which has shaped some of the options they are looking at now, and <br />they are close to selecting an alternative. <br />Update from Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron <br />Mayor Weidt asked Commissioner Miron to provide an update on activities at Washington <br />County. Miron talked about the importance of funding for the corridor stating that they need <br />clear direction from the state on where they are in transit. The County has a AAA bond rating, <br />which is the highest you can have. They will be finalizing the budget and having the public <br />hearing in December. Fran stated he has always been a proponent of the flat tax rate, and their <br />budget meets that. <br />Hass commented on the CR57 project, and Fran stated they have received compliments on the <br />quality of the roads in Washington County. The pavement condition index is at the highest level <br />due to the investment in roads and bridges. They continue to work on safety issues and water <br />issues, and they appreciate what Hugo is doing. They are working with the state on distribution <br />of grants for water quality, and a lot of the money has gone to District 1. The County has been <br />working to allow cities to have more local control in land use planning and eliminate <br />bureaucracy. Public safety continues to be a focus under the leadership of Sheriff Bill Hutton <br />and County Attorney Pete Orput. They are in the process of developing their legislative agenda <br />for the coming year. Commissioner Miron thanked Council for allowing him to represent Hugo <br />in District 1. kkkhhhkkhk', <br />hh,kh <br />Phil asked when the Stillwater bridge would be completed and if there would be significant <br />economic growth. Fran stated they have done a fair amount of road improvement projects in <br />anticipation of that. They were also excited to obtain authority from the State Legislature to <br />allow the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to start economic planning. The Department <br />has been renamed to Community Development Authority. One thing they are working on is <br />internet service, and CenturyLink and Frontier are actively looking at improving service in the <br />northeast part of the County. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: <br />Approval of Claims <br />2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Accounting Clerk Anna Wobse <br />3. Approve Leave of Absence for Firefighter Andy Churchill <br />4. Approve Resignation of Firefighter Nickolas Young <br />5. Approve Resignation of Firefighter Justin Williams <br />6. Approve Pay Request No. 2 and No. 3 to Peterson Companies for Beaver Ponds <br />Stormwater Reuse Project <br />