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Fire Department: <br />Ambulance Service. An annual report will be provided to the council in the spring. <br />Staffing. Fire Department leadership will continue expansion of recruitment and <br />retention efforts with the goal of increasing staffing levels. <br />CIP. The Fire Chief's primary recommendation involves a long term strategy that would <br />allow for a 1991 pumper/tanker truck to be replaced with a ladder truck when it reaches the end <br />of its 30 -year life cycle. <br />Automated External Defibrillators. The Fire Department has purchased the AED's and <br />has implemented this program for 2017. The Fire Chief will report on this program during the <br />Fire Department annual report. <br />Emergency management. Washington County is creating training opportunities for <br />communities that might involve natural disasters, shooters, civil unrest, cyber attacks, and other <br />unfortunate happenings. <br />Police: <br />Staffing. A new deputy was been added into the scheduling rotation in 2016. In early <br />2017, an investigator will begin full-time work in Hugo. <br />Security. Last year, Sergeant Johnson suggested the City review security measures at <br />City Hall. Following Council's workshop on active shooter training, the staff has prepared <br />recommendations on security plans, policies, and other physical security improvements to city <br />buildings that will be discussed this year. <br />Parks: <br />Recreation programs. The city is continuing to strengthen partnerships on <br />programming for our residents. The staff has been working to add new programming for 2017 in <br />collaboration with the new Forest Lake YMCA. A task force created by the White Bear School <br />District to assess the needs of seniors will finish their work this spring. Staff would like to help <br />the Tour de Hugo committee to form their own non-profit entity to manage the event. <br />Trails. The city has recently completed important trail connections in the city with new <br />developments and road reconstruction projects. In 2016, a trail along Oneka Lake Blvd and <br />147th Street, was completed. The Parks Commission is working to identify missing links that are <br />not likely to be completed with development or road projects, and creating strategies for <br />completing the links. <br />Irish Avenue Park. A timeline and vision for Irish Ave Park will be created. <br />Lions Park. A plan has been approved for redevelopment of the park, however the <br />construction costs cannot currently be funded with existing revenue streams. <br />