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allow (dry fall, or cold winter) staff would like to complete a large segment of JD2 Maintenance <br />in 2017. <br />Fiber. Staff has been working with internet providers and state and county government <br />toward expansion of high speed internet services in Hugo. A significant fiber project was <br />completed in Eastern Hugo by Century Link in 2016. We expect the new service to be available <br />by the end of March 2017. <br />Street Lights. Public Works, Planning and Finance staff have been discussing our <br />options for future street lighting within the city. It is a significant annual budget item that <br />includes electricity, maintenance and replacement costs. Key decisions concerning street lights <br />are being made at the time that new neighborhoods are created that have long term implications. <br />Staff has been working with Xcel Energy and Connexus Energy on replacement of streetlight <br />heads to LED fixtures, which should reduce maintenance and lower costs. Some of the fixtures <br />will be replaced this summer. <br />Water: <br />Water Summit. Staff will soon propose a date for the next water summit. The agenda <br />will include legislation concerning appropriation permits, the latest information from the USGS, <br />and the significance of a protective elevation being set for White Bear Lake. <br />Stormwater re -use. We continue to find opportunities for construction of water re -use <br />projects within new developments. Additionally, we are seeking funds for construction in parks <br />and roadway medians. Retrofit of HOAs will occur with a project in Waters Edge to begin <br />construction this year. Ongoing discussion will involve the regulatory environment for the <br />systems and operation and maintenance costs. <br />Water Conservation. The 2016 water rebate program has been completed and was <br />successful. We will be proposing a new program for the Council to review. We have also <br />completed water audits on city properties, and are looking at other water conservation incentives, <br />and possible changes to ordinances and water rate structures. <br />White Bear Lake Lawsuit and Settlement Agreement. The settlement agreement <br />impacts Hugo, and the council has taken a position on it. The implementation of the agreement <br />continues despite a coming lawsuit that will begin in March. We expect mediation to occur <br />before the lawsuit, and any results will likely further impact the city. <br />Regional water studies are being finalized that include the City of Hugo. Staff is <br />participating on the DNR's advisory team for the new Groundwater Management Area. Staff is <br />also collaborating with Met Council staff on their feasibility study for surface water alternatives <br />in the NE Metro. We are discussing alternative ideas for using surface water, and encouraging <br />additional studies be conducted. We are also monitoring progress on the USGS study which is <br />being released in phases. The Met Council is also studying aquifer sustainability and stormwater <br />re -use. Hugo's water supply plan has been updated and submitted to DNR. <br />Presentations. Staff is routinely asked to give presentations on water related topics to all <br />sorts of organizations and agencies all around the state. While this is an effective method of <br />delivering our message and influencing the discussion, it is extremely time consuming. <br />