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HugoAppoints woParks <br /> Commissioners <br /> Following the resigna- Gabrielli's primary of the stock newslet- of the parks and trails <br /> tions of Jim Keithahn interests in serving on ter,MoneyXperts. He in Hugo,and I wanted <br /> and Tom Weidt,the the Commission are to is currently a full-time to be a part of the Parks <br /> Hugo City Council ensure that there are stock trader and contin- Commission because I <br /> recently appointed two open spaces for kids ues to write about the think that I can provide <br /> new members to the amidst all the other stock market. valuable input." His <br /> Parks and Recreation development taking areas of special interest <br /> Commission. After place in the City,to Kirk sees serving on the include expanding the <br /> interviewing eight have adequate facilities Parks and Recreation current trails to link all <br /> applicants,Dan for the athletic associa- Commission as a way of the developments in <br /> Gabrielli and Charles tions that he believes to get involved in com- Hugo together and the <br /> E. Kirk were chosen will likely soon arise munity service and to creation of new parks. <br /> to begin serving as in Hugo,and to"help give back to the com- Kirk adds,"I'm greatly <br /> of the May 11,2005 create an environ- munity. He notes,"I honored to be selected. <br /> Commission meeting. ment where every kid think that future and As a new resident,I <br /> Both are serving on a in Hugo would have current residents are think I have a good idea <br /> City Commission for access to a City park looking toward the of what people who - <br /> the first time and are within a safe bike riding government leaders move into Hugo will City Looking To <br /> dedicated to ensuring distance." He adds, to have the foresight be looking for as far as Acquire land <br /> quality parks and recre- "I'm very enthusiastic and the experience to parks and recreation. <br /> ation facilities in Hugo. about serving and help- make decisions that will I think it's important For Parks <br /> ing our dynamic and make Hugo an even to build those things <br /> Dan Gabrielli developing community. better place to live and as quickly as we can The City of Hugo would like <br /> Gabrielli grew up in St. It's an exciting time for work in the coming and to support them as <br /> Paul where he spent a Hugo,and being a part decade. I'm a big user much as possible." to acquire land for neighbor- <br /> great deal of time at the of what's going on now hood parks,active recreation- <br /> playgrounds and recre- will affect the future of <br /> al areas,and open spaces. <br /> ation centers,describing Hugo as far as making While primarily interested <br /> them as"the center of sure we do have the Watering Restrictions in land located in the central <br /> the social community open spaces,parks,and portion of the City,any parcel <br /> for kids." He adds, athletic facilities that of 20 to 100 acres suitable <br /> Hugo residents and property owners who use the <br /> "I liked growing up are easily accessible for active recreation purposes <br /> with that environment, places for kids." municipal water supply are being asked to help will be considered. Funds for <br /> and I'd like to see my conserve water and protect the environment by purchasing this land would <br /> kids grow up in that Charles E.Kirk restricting their watering of lawns,trees,or other come from the City's park <br /> environment also." He Kirk grew up in vegetation. The days you may water are deter- dedication fund,which is <br /> eventually coached Ohio,and moved to mined by your street address. If your address obtained from new develop- <br /> youth athletics and Minnesota with his wife ends in an odd number,you may water only on ment in the City. A$2,400 <br /> currently coaches his in 1995. They lived in odd-numbered calendar days;if your address ends fee is collected and deposited <br /> three children's base- St. Paul and Woodbury in an even number,you may water only on even- into this fund when new resi- <br /> ball and hockey teams. before moving to numbered calendar days. An exemption from <br /> Following 10 years of Hugo in July 2004. y p dential lots are created. <br /> active duty in the Air Kirk has a Bachelor the odd-even restriction of up to 30 days is <br /> Force,Gabrielli moved of Philosophy Degree available for new sod, � Anyone who is interested <br /> with his wife to White from Cornell College seed,or plantings. You I' j in selling land to the City <br /> Bear Lake in 1998 and and a Juris Doctorate may call the Hugo Cityr of Hugo is asked to contact <br /> then to Hugo in 2002. degree from Hamline Hall at 651-762-6300 City Administrator Mike <br /> He is currently a pilot University School of to be added to a 30-day Ericson at City Hall or Parks <br /> with the Minnesota Air Law. He was also the exemption list. Commission member Pete <br /> National Guard. founder and operator f Pedersen at 651-426-4126. <br />