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Planning <br /> Report from the Planning Commission <br /> Tom Weidt Appointed To Planning <br /> Commission In those early years,Malaski was instrumental in <br /> On March 7,2005 the Hugo City Council appoint- setting goals for the City. Later,in her position <br /> ed Tom Weidt as the newest member of the Hugo as Vice Chair, she was able to work toward meet- <br /> Planning Commission. This appointment filled ing some of those same goals. During her tenure <br /> 'q the vacancy created by the retirement of Sandy on the Planning Commission, she was actively <br /> Malaski. Weidt was a member of the Hugo Parks involved in the development of several projects, <br /> Commission for the past four years and during that including the new City Hall and Fire Department. <br /> time was instrumental in planning and construc- She also addressed the City's need for items rang- <br /> tion of Beaver Ponds and the Oneka Lake Park. ing from senior housing and a community center to <br /> Torn Weidt "Members of the City Council were very impressed a new elementary school and updating of landscape <br /> with his performance on the Parks Commission," ordinances. Schumann comments, "She was a bal- <br /> notes Hugo Community Development Director anced thinker. She always had her own opinion <br /> Bryan Bear. He adds, "It's because of the very about things,but then she would listen to the pub- <br /> good job he did on the Parks Commission that he lic and often reverse her decision based on what <br /> f got this recognition." she heard. She's one of those people that remem- <br /> bers first that she's aP ublic servant and second that <br /> Malaski steps Down As Planning she's going to lend her expertise to the City." <br /> Commission Vice Chair <br /> Sandy Malaski stepped down from her position as Looking back,Malaski notes,"I knew it was my <br /> Planning Commission Vice Chair at the end of her day to have a say and to paint the City...I'd say I <br /> second term. Her involvement with the City of took out my rainbow colors and I saw a vision and <br /> Hugo is extensive and began long before her years I went for it." To those who are members of the <br /> Sandy Malaski on the Planning Commission. "Sandy's previous Planning Commission,Malaski says,"Everybody <br /> work laid the groundwork for her experience; she has something to offer;we need a variety of people, <br /> already had a good feel for what the City was all on the Commission and new perspective because <br /> about,"says Planning Commission Chair Dave there is a lot of growing yet to be done in Hugo." <br /> Schumann. <br /> Meeting Rooms In Hugo Watering Restrictions <br /> Commissioners Available For Rental Hugo residents and property owners who use the <br /> Heeded The City of Hugo now has two meeting rooms municipal water supply are being asked to help <br /> available for rental: conserve water and protect the environment by <br /> The City of Hugo cur- <br /> rently has two openings -Oneka Room at City Hall restricting their watering of lawns,trees,or other <br /> on each of the follow- -Rice Lake Centre at the new Public Works vegetation. The days you may water are deter- <br /> ing: <br /> facility mined by your street address. If your address <br /> -Parks and The rooms can be used for meetings,corporate ends in an odd number,you may water only on <br /> Recreation events,parties,or even a small wedding. The odd-numbered calendar days;if your address ends <br /> Commission rental fee is $100 for Hugo residents and$200 in an even number,you may water only on even- <br /> -Historical for non-residents, and each room seats 90- numbered calendar days. An exemption from the <br /> Commission <br /> 100 people. Chairs and tables are provided; odd-even restriction of up da to 30 s is <br /> Y <br /> any additional equipment or furniture is the <br /> For more information available for new sod, , <br /> responsibility of the renter. Interested indi- <br /> or an application, con- seed,or plantings. You <br /> tact the Hugo City Hall viduals or groups must fill out an application, may call the Hugo City <br /> at 651-763-6300,or sign a rental agreement,and pay a key and r <br /> damage depositFor more information, Hall at 651-762-6300 <br /> . or to , <br /> visit the City's web site to be added to a 30-day <br /> at reserve either room, contact Eileen Ottney at <br /> City Hall, 651-762-6310. exemption list. <br />