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EDA ON"_N_ <br /> Gets Down To Business <br /> The Hugo Economic located in Hugo's Bald Catherine Anderson,the "Working with the <br /> Development Authority Eagle Industrial Park, EDA is helping them City staff, Council and <br /> (EDA)is responsible was provided by John find ways to rebuild the administration has been <br /> for economic develop- and Joel Schwieters. restaurant and make it very positive;they've <br /> ment issues in the City, The company produces an anchor in the City's been helpful." He also <br /> concentrating in three pre-fabricated con- downtown redevelop- comments,"The EDA The EDA meets on <br /> areas: keeping busi- struction components, ment. "Carpenter's has has been very proactive <br /> nesses in the commu- millwork and finish been very supportive and open to suggestions; the third Monday <br /> nity,helping existing carpentry for residential of the community;they they've been pleasant to <br /> businesses that want housing. The company really want to be part work with." of the month at <br /> to expand and attract- is planning to add a of the team in Hugo," <br /> ing new businesses to fourth building this states Hugo City Members of the EDA 8:30 a.m. <br /> Hugo. summer to its campus in Council member Mike have also begun to dis- <br /> the Industrial Park. Granger. He adds,"The cuss the need for more <br /> The EDA began to act EDA is working with office space within the <br /> on these goals by meet- The EDA continues to them to be sure that city. The Commission <br /> ing at the Schwieters work toward its goal happens." specifically notes a need <br /> Companies on February of helping existing for housing professional <br /> 22,2005. At this recent businesses by teaming Mike Anderson is tenants—such as attor- <br /> business retention visit, up with Carpenter's pleased with the prog- neys,accountants and <br /> a tour of the company's Restaurant. Working ress made to date with physicians—in a cam- <br /> three-building campus, with owners Mike and the EDA and notes, pus-type setting. <br /> HU90 City H811 Garden Nuuo Kidz 'n Biz Fest <br /> Fun For The Entire Family 4; 9-p— <br /> ing <br /> hborFood News&Re <br /> ClubHeeds Your Nelpj The first-ever Hugo Kidz `n Biz Fest,presented byThe Hugo City Hall Garden Club is looking for Your Neighborhood News&Report and the Hugo residents to volunteer to assist with the landscap- Business Association,will be held on Sunday,plan for the City Hall. Volunteers are needed April 17 from 1:30-4:00 p.m. at the AmericanApril 17, ,, <br /> for a variety of tasks–planting,watering,fertil- Legion Hall. "The event will bring together busi- <br /> izing,pruning,and general nesses and residents of Hugo for a few hours of The event will <br /> maintenance. Work is magic and mayhem," says Louis Melamed,pub- <br /> scheduled to begin in late lisher of Your Neighborhood News&Report. bring together <br /> Mayor early June. For <br /> more information,contact The Kidz `n Biz Fest will feature unusual and businesses and <br /> Carolyn Kay at 651-429- unique carnival games,raffle prizes and a choco- <br /> 7389 or June Young at late chip cookie bake-off. The afternoon will be residents of Hugo <br /> 651-429-3887. topped off with an award-winning magic show,to <br /> be performed by The Great Loudini,where Hugo for a few hours of <br /> Mayor Fran Miron has agreed to be sawed in half. <br /> 801h Anniversary:From Page 1 Mayor Miron is eager to take part in the trick and magic and mayhem <br /> great-grandchildren. They met in the eighth grade notes, "I'm anxious for Louis to implement his <br /> and were married while attending high school magic; sawing me in half will allow me to be in on Sunday,April 17 <br /> ;n White Bear Lake. They still live in the house two places at one time." Admission to the Kidz <br /> vhere Clarence was raised. The City's proclama- `n Biz Fest is free and is made possible because from 1:30-4:00 p.m. <br /> tion offered its"sincere congratulations on this of generous support from the Hugo Business <br /> most distinguished and deserving event honoring Association,the Hugo Economic Development <br /> the sanctity of marriage." Authority and the City of Hugo. <br />