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The Latest Hews On CSAR 8/14 Realignment <br /> The use of tax abatement to help fund the the following developments: Waters Edge <br /> CSAH 8/14 realignment project was approved North and South, Heritage Ponds and Victor <br /> at a September 27, 2004 meeting of the White Gardens. R A <br /> Bear Lake Area School District. According to <br /> City of Hugo Finance Director Ron Otkin, the Washington County is also helping to fund theW®R K <br /> tax abatement will provide partial funding for project, but not in the form of tax abatement. A H E A <br /> the CSAH 8/14 project, as well as for a seg According to Washington County policy, local ` .. <br /> ment of Oneka Parkway—a road to be locat- jurisdictions are responsible for 100 percent <br /> ed south of County Road 8 that will provide of right-of-way acquisition costs; however, the <br /> access to the new Oneka Elementary School. county has granted a variance to this policy <br /> and will fund 45 percent of the acquisition <br /> Tax abatement is a financing tool that allows costs. Both the City of Hugo and the White <br /> cities to use property taxes from a particular Bear Lake Area School District will grant <br /> geographic area to fund a specific project. abatements for a 15-year period. <br /> Those within the abatement district would <br /> continue to pay property taxes, but those taxes The next steps include issuing a tax <br /> would now be dedicated to paying for a por- abatement bond and presenting <br /> tion of the CSAH 8/14 project. Otkin notes, a formal agreement for final <br /> "We're not abating all of the dollars, so there approval. These steps <br /> are still going to be tax dollars generated from are expected to take <br /> developments for other purposes, like fire and place at the start <br /> police protection." The abatement district of 2005. <br /> includes parcels that are mostly contained in <br /> Budget:From Page 1 Historical <br /> anticipated reductions in state aid. _ <br /> Commission News <br /> According to Hugo City Finance Director <br /> Ron Otkin, the Minnesota Department of After approval from the Hugo City Council, <br /> Finance projects a$160 million budget deficit the Hugo Historical Commission expects <br /> for fiscal year 2004-2005 and a$441 million to welcome its newest volunteer member, <br />.. deficit for fiscal year 2006-2007. In light of Barbara Marohnic. Barbara recently gradu- <br /> ated with a B.A. in Writing, and her interests <br /> these projections, the City Council feels it is include photography, drawing and history. <br /> important to levy for anticipated reductions She has lived in Hugo for five years. Carrie <br /> in the state aid that is equivalent to aid reduc- Meyers will step down as Commission chair- <br /> tions experienced over the last two years. person at the end of 2004, and Pam Videen <br /> will take over as the position in January 2005. <br /> The 2005 budget continues the City Council's <br /> commitment to fund equipment replace- Hugo's first annual commemorative mug <br /> features a painting of the Hugo Feed Mill <br /> ment and staffing expansions in the Hugo done by local artist Len Shimota. If you <br /> Fire Department and the Public Works missed your chance to purchase one at Good <br /> Department. Funding is also included to Neighbor Days or the Fire Department <br /> finalize planning for downtown redevelop- Booya, they are still available for purchase at <br /> ment. the Feed Mill for$8.00 each. <br />