<br /> y Eileen Ottney began in her position of Ottney grew up in Hastings and is currently
<br /> Building Department Receptionist on October living in Fredric,Wisconsin with her husband,
<br /> 18, 2004. The City received 176 applica- Paul and their snow lab, Samantha. Outside
<br /> tions for Ottney's position, which will include of work, Ottney enjoys fishing, hunting, quilt-
<br /> inputting information for building permits and ing, and reading. She states that she is grate-
<br /> serving as a general administrative assistant ful for the position,which will allow her to
<br /> and receptionist. She has extensive experience combine her work experience and interests in
<br /> in both office work and construction, making a growing, dynamic community.
<br /> her qualifications especially appropriate for
<br /> this position.
<br /> Eileen Ottney, Building
<br /> Department Receptionist p
<br /> Arvig:From Page 3 Is Your Nome Ready
<br /> truly understanding and trying to figure out
<br /> what's going on in order to be as much of a ForWinterP
<br /> help as I can."
<br /> The City of Hugo is partnering with CEE
<br /> A graduate of Northwestern Health Sciences Financial Resources, a local non-profit orga-
<br /> University in Bloomington, Minnesota, Arvig nization, to offer low-interest rates for home
<br /> received his bachelor of science degree in improvement.
<br /> human biology and a doctorate degree in chi-
<br /> ropractic. He was born and raised in Forest Right now, you may borrow up to $35,000 at
<br /> Lake and has lived in Hugo for nearly two a fixed interest rate of 5.25% for your entire
<br /> years with his wife and their beagle, Lily; home improvement wish list, including all
<br /> they are expecting their first child in January. of those projects you need to complete to
<br /> ready your home for winter. This low rate
<br /> "I love the area; this is my home," says is available immediately with no application
<br /> Arvig. "I like the small town feeling and deadlines as long as your household income
<br /> people have all been welcoming. I'm glad to is $88,000 a year or less. Repayment terms
<br /> be here,"he adds. of up to 20 years means CEE Financial
<br /> A recycling Resources can tailor a monthly payment that
<br /> Container is avail- is affordable for your budget. Most improve-
<br /> ment projects are eligible for financing
<br /> able from yourthrough this loan—furnaces, windows, doors,
<br /> emember o siding,roofing, kitchen and bath remodel,
<br /> garbage hauler or plumbing,wiring, driveways, sidewalks,
<br /> Recvclel. carpet, flooring, basements, garages, fences,
<br /> by calling City Halllandscaping, and more.
<br /> at 651-762-6300. In Hugo, items for recycling are collected CEE Financial Resources also has a Home
<br /> curbside as part of your weekly trash collec- Energy Loan available. This program has no
<br /> tion. A recycling container is available from income limits; the maximum loan amount is
<br /> your garbage hauler or by calling City Hall $10,000 and is also available at 5.25% inter-
<br /> at 651-762-6300. Those items which can est for energy-related improvements such as
<br /> be recycled include newspapers, aluminum furnace, air conditioning, insulation, win-
<br /> beverage cans, tin cans, glass jars and bottles, dows, doors, and water heaters. For more
<br /> corrugated cardboard, glossy magazines, and information or to have an application sent to
<br /> car and tractor batteries. you, call Kristin at CEE Financial Resources
<br /> at 651-731-2626 or visit
<br />