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�i <br /> Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> New Public Works Building Is A Go <br /> Parkos Construction of West St. Paul has been cho- administrative equipment,and landscaping. Hugo <br /> sen to build the new Hugo Public Works facility. Public Works Director Chris Petree explains,`By <br /> In addition to the main 15,400 square foot build- determining exactly what our needs were and bid- <br /> ing,the Hugo City Council decided to go ahead ding these items separately,we will be saving quite <br /> with both of the proposed alternates: an additional a bit of taxpayer dollars over bidding them as a <br /> 3,600 square feet of garage and storage space package through the general contractor. We also <br /> designed to meet the City's needs for 8-10 years, get the exact equipment we want and maintain <br /> as well as a 3,200 square foot community room. tighter control on what's going into the building." <br /> The building will be located on the Rice Lake <br /> property,and its new address will be 6900 137th The Public Works Building Committee started <br /> Street North— 1.5 miles east of Highway 61 on meeting in January 2003. Petree notes,"City <br /> County Road 8. Plans are also underway to hire Council members Frank Puleo and Mike Granger <br /> a landscape architect or park planner to prepare were on the committee and have put in a lot of <br /> a detailed master plan for the Rice Lake property time on this project." Both are local small busi- <br /> site as an active use park that would most likely ness owners and have knowledge of various <br /> include soccer fields. aspects of the construction industry. Petree adds, <br /> "They were very involved in the process and did a <br /> It is expected that contracts will be awarded in good job of communicating the details to the full <br /> April for the site work,well, septic system, fenc- Council,which facilitated the Council's discus- <br /> ing;and building equipment. The final contracts sions on this project." <br /> to be awarded will include furniture and fixtures, <br /> Continued On Page 5 <br /> From Hugo Mayor Fran Miron: <br /> One of my personal goals this year is to begin a public outreach and <br /> accountability initiative by meeting with residents of the community to dis- <br /> cuss any issues that concern them and to get feedback on the direction we're <br /> headed. This is a personal goal of mine,and a number of the City Council <br /> _ members have indicated an interest in participating in that process as well. <br /> Any group who is interested in having me,a Council member,or City staff <br /> member attend one of their meetings is invited to call City Hall or to contact me personally. <br /> We will gladly schedule a meeting at your convenience. The Oneka Room in City Hall is <br /> available for such purposes. Through this process,and with the citizens'input,I hope to <br /> -,,, maintain a responsive local government. <br />