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2004 April Newsletter
2004 April Newsletter
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City Recognizes Long-Term Parks <br /> Commissioners <br /> At its March 1 City Council meeting,two vol- Commission from scratch. The City Council put <br /> unteers were officially thanked for their work on together the framework of the Parks Commission, <br /> the Parks and Recreation Commission. Robyn but they really took on the initiative to get it mov- <br /> LaCasse and Dave Strub served on the Parks ing." <br /> and Recreation Commission from July 1998 to <br /> March 2004. "There really were no parks when LaCasse will still be involved in the community, <br /> we started this,"LaCasse recalls. "We had two especially with the new elementary school. "I <br /> wooden swings and hardly any money. If I recall, am very involved in other things and continue to <br /> our amount when we started back then was about serve on the advisory commission for the new <br /> $7,000." school,more as a citizen,but also to make sure <br /> there is community space,"she said. She is very <br /> LaCasse and Strub were involved in establish- proud of her work with the Parks and Recreation <br /> ing the Neighborhood Block Program,Lions Park Commission stating,"It's amazing to me every- <br /> playground equipment,Beaver Ponds soccer fields, thing that we have accomplished." <br /> Bernin Park, Oneka Ponds Park, and many other <br /> beautification efforts. "We've come a long way. Strub will be stepping away from the Commission <br /> There's certainly a long way still to go,but I think with wonderful memories. "Eight years was long <br /> we've made a huge dent and set some guidelines enough...I felt like I was being selfish staying on <br /> for future development,"LaCasse said of her ser- there myself. I want to let someone else have a <br /> vice. Commenting on the early days of the Parks turn doing this and having fun. It's a great group <br /> end Recreation Commission, Strub said,"The fun of people that are on there now,and no doubt they <br /> part for me was the planning session. It's amazing will find some other great people to fill our spots. <br /> to me how well the master plan is holding up. Two To step down was hard,but it felt like it was the <br /> years of writing it,six years of trying to implement time to give someone else a turn,"he said of his <br /> it,and it's still a pretty valid document." service. <br /> Mayor Fran Miron remembers the volunteers as <br /> key players in the early days of the Parks and <br /> Recreation Commission. "Obviously the area has <br /> been urbanizing for a number of years,and we rec- <br /> ognize that. With the day-to-day business that the Public Invited to <br /> City Council is involved in,it seemed like we were <br /> not spending enough time developing and planning Open House <br /> our parks. We needed some expertise and some <br /> people that were willing to focus in to get our Residents are invited to attend an <br /> parks development moving within the community. <br /> Open House at the Hugo City Hall on <br /> They were two very key people in that process,"he <br /> Monday,May 10,2004 from 5:00—9:00 <br /> noted. <br /> provide input on the new pro- <br /> LaCasse and Strub will be missed by the Parks and posed Downtown Redevelopment Plan. <br /> Recreation Commission because of the strong lead- Please call City Hall at 651-762-6300 if <br /> ,rship roles they played. Mayor Miron described you have questions or are interested in <br /> chem as"very qualified, self-starting individu- attending. <br /> als that were really able to develop the Parks <br />
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