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: .i <br /> T <br /> Hugo City Hall • 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North • Hugo, Minnesota 55038 <br /> Bald Eagle Industrial Park <br /> Attracts New Businesses <br /> The final phase of the development of the Bald It also helps fulfill our goal to provide opportuni- <br /> Eagle Industrial Park has already attracted several ties for residents to be able to live and work in the <br /> new businesses. In the coming months,the small- same community." <br /> er 1-3 acre sites created in the newest subdivision <br /> within the industrial park will be the new home Rask emphasizes that all of these business owners <br /> for Stockness Construction,White Bear Electric, have a connection to the community. "They are <br /> Rink-Tec Arena Specialists,J. Olson Tool,Grant either residents of Hugo or currently have their <br /> Barrette Company,and Jackson Mini-Storage. business located in Hugo,and they have decided <br /> All involve new construction with room for to expand or relocate their businesses here,"he <br /> expansion at each site. notes. Miron is encouraged by this, stating, "It is <br /> so nice to work not only with businesses located <br /> "We're very pleased that we've been able to bring elsewhere that want to relocate here in Hugo,but <br /> new businesses into the Bald Eagle Industrial to be able to help local businesses relocate within <br /> Park," states Hugo Mayor Fran Miron. "The City the community." He adds, "When Hugo business <br /> Council places a strong value on small businesses owners want to relocate but stay within the com- <br /> as part of our economic development." munity—that really sends a strong message that <br /> Community Development Director John Rask we're doing something right and that business <br /> notes, "This continues our strong policy of work- owners recognize that we have a lot going for us." <br /> ing to diversify our tax base and create new jobs. <br /> Peloquin Industrial Park <br /> Project Back on Track <br /> Work has resumed on the Peloquin Industrial park. City Engineer David Mitchell explains, <br /> Park improvement project, after construction "RKI completed everything within the industrial <br /> -_• + problems encountered by Richard Knutson, Inc. park;however,they were unable to complete a <br /> (RKI)halted construction of a sanitary sewer crossing of the sanitary sewer pipe underneath <br /> pipe to connect with the City's existing service. Highway 61." Mitchell estimates that 1000 feet <br /> + - + Those problems led to a lawsuit,which was set- of sanitary sewer pipe and 700 feet of water <br /> tled by the Hugo City Council at its July 7,2003 main are left to be constructed by the new con- <br /> meeting. A new contract for completion of the tractor. <br /> project was awarded on July 21 to Lametti& <br /> Sons,Inc.,a Hugo general contractor with exten- All potential contractors were made aware of the <br /> " - sive experience in deep sanitary sewer and tun- problems encountered by RKI. "We had a pre- <br /> neling projects. bid meeting for potential contractors to let them <br /> know what the problems were,"notes Mitchell. <br /> ' - - The original project involved providing sewer He adds, "We also gave them some basic ideas <br /> + and water utilities to the Peloquin Industrial Park of what we thought would and wouldn't work, <br /> area,the extension of sanitary sewer from the but the particular method they use is ultimately <br /> southeast corner of the Creekview Preserve their decision." The project is scheduled to be <br /> development,and the reconstruction of the completed by November 2003. <br /> streets and storm sewer within the industrial <br />