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American legion Building Now Open <br /> Yr On August 9,2003 Hugo's American Legion Post 620 held a grand opening celebration for its new 7,500 <br /> df square foot building, located at 5383 140th Street North,next to the Hugo Fire Hall. Following a ribbon <br /> cutting ceremony attended by local and state government representatives,as well as American Legion <br /> officials from the state and district levels,the public had a chance to see the completed facility and enjoy <br /> music,food,and door prizes. <br /> The former Post 620 building,located at 5736 147th Street North,was destroyed in a fire in July 2002. <br /> Commander John Thomas states that he and his fellow members are very glad that the rebuilding is final- <br /> ly completed. He adds, "We certainly appreciate the support we've received from the community and <br /> from the City government. They've been very helpful to us,and we're very grateful." <br /> a = Reservations for the new banquet facility, which accommodates up to 300 people, can be made by con- <br /> ' , a tatting the American Legion at 651-255-1432 or Judy at 651-426-5368. <br /> Inside look at the new Look for more photos from the grand opening event in the next issue of the Hugo Report. <br /> American Legion <br /> Building <br /> Tri=Cities Coalition Formed To Address <br /> Transportation and land Use Issues <br /> The Cities of Hugo,Lino Lakes, and Centerville Although the interchange was the issue that <br /> have formed a coalition to address important sparked the formation of the coalition, it has since <br /> American transportation and land use issues affecting the expanded its purpose to include a variety of trans- <br /> area around I-35E. Also included in the coalition portation and land issues affecting the area, <br /> Legion are Anoka County,Washington County,and including: <br /> Columbus Township. Three meetings have been <br /> Rebuilding held at the Hugo City Hall,and those in atten- • interchanges,construction,and improve- <br /> Fund dance included City Council members,mayors, ments on interstate, county,and state high- <br /> City staff,and County commissioners, as well as ways <br /> representatives from the State House and Senate, • bike trails,pedestrian crossings,and recre- <br /> Although the former the Minnesota Department of Transportation,and ational needs <br /> the Metropolitan Council. United States • road system access <br /> American Legion building Congressman Mark Kennedy has also attended • zoning,growth management,comprehen- <br /> was insured,the entire cost one meeting. sive plans,and changing land uses <br /> • park system <br /> of rebuilding will not be Hugo Mayor Fran Miron explains that the coali- • storm water management and environmen- <br /> covered. A rebuilding fund tion was actually formed at the suggestion of tal issues <br /> has been established for Congressman Kennedy. "We were discussing <br /> transportation needs with him,especially the Miron views the Tri-Cities Coalition as an excel- <br /> anyone who wishes to con- needed improvements at the interchange of 1-35E lent opportunity to implement a plan to meet the <br /> tribute to help Post 620 in and CSAH 8/14, and he was very adamant that area's transportation needs. "I'm very pleased that <br /> we put together a coalition," states Miron. "He the communities around us share our attitude <br /> their rebuilding efforts. impressed upon us that if we hope to secure fed- about long-term planning," he notes. "We've had <br /> Send donations to: Hugo eral support for transportation needs,then it's good representation,and I'm pleased with the <br /> important that we work together and come to the cooperation we've received from all those <br /> American Legion, table with a single vision. When we're able to involved." Miron also encourages interested resi- <br /> Rebuilding Fund,P.O.Box collaborate,our likelihood of success is much dents to attend meetings of the coalition. Please <br /> 371,Hugo,MN 55038 greater." call the Hugo City Hall at 651-762-6300 for dates <br /> and times. <br />