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Not News From the Hugo Fire Department <br /> Y Hugo Firefighters Receive Additional "New"Fire Vehicle Ready for Operation <br /> d <br /> Traifflug Thanks to a$2000 grant from the Minnesota <br /> Department of Natural Resources DNR and a <br /> Fifteen Hugo firefighters have recently complet- P (DNR) <br /> ed two specialized training courses conducted by $2000 donation from the Dead Broke Saddle <br /> ` <br /> State certified instructors from Anoka Technical Club,the Hugo Fire Department was able to fin- <br /> College. The first was a hazardous materials ish work on a Chevy Blazer which will be used <br /> operations class,which has allowed Hugo to for a variety of purposes: fighting grass fires, <br /> become part of Washington County's decontami- carrying water,personnel and equipment,per- <br /> nation team. The second class was to attain the forming inspections,and traveling to community <br /> status of"Firefighter II,"the highest state certifi- education sites. This was a surplus U.S.Army <br /> cation possible for firefighters. Both courses vehicle that the Fire Department obtained from <br /> involved 40 hours of classroom instruction,a the DNR. "This was the last vehicle we needed <br /> written test,and a full-day"practical"test where to finish work on," explains Compton, "and we <br /> firefighters had to successfully perform in a vari- are happy to say that it was done at no cost to the <br /> Congratulations ety of real-life scenarios. taxpayers." <br /> to these Hugo As a result of the hazardous materials training, <br /> Firefighters for Hugo firefighters can now recognize a situation Fire Department to Purchase Thermal <br /> involving hazardous materials,identify the Imaging Camera <br /> completing chemical(s)involved, set up appropriate"hot The Hugo Fire Department plans to purchase a <br /> zones,"evaluate potential environmental thermal imaging camera to further assist their <br /> Hazardous impacts,notify the appropriate authorities,and fire fighting efforts. "The primary purpose of <br /> rescue and perform a thorough decontamination this camera is to be able to more effective) res- <br /> of any of an victims. Firefighter II training involved y <br /> y g g cue victims from smoke-filled environments <br /> Firefighter 11 learning about building construction, including where we wouldn't otherwise be able to see <br /> the hazards and methods of fire fighting for vari- them," explains Compton. The camera uses <br /> training: ous types of buildings,understanding the infrared sensing toe able firefighters to "see" <br /> hydraulics involved in sprinkler systems,hand victims by providing an image of the body. <br /> Anthony Bronk tool applications,vehicle extrication and fire �� <br /> Bill Buystedt pp Compton adds, It can even pick up footprints <br /> pumping capabilities. "Our firefighters are from where someone has walked." <br /> James Christiansen trained equally with any other fire department in <br /> Jim Compton, Sr. <br /> the state,„notes Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton, A donation from the Hugo Lion's Club will fund <br /> Jim Compton,Jr. <br /> Kevin Colvard "including big cities with full-time departments.” 90 percent of the cost of the camera. The rest <br /> Pat Dunn will come from money received by the Fire <br /> Paul Fladeboe Mutual Aid Training Exercise Held May 1T Department through its ongoing aluminum can <br /> Russ Frantum As part of their State requirements,the Hugo drive. "Our thanks go out to the Lion's Club and <br /> Kurt Grainger Fire Department held a mutual aid training exer- to the community for their continuing support of <br /> Bryan Lund cise on Saturday,May 17, in conjunction with our can drive," states Compton. Aluminum cans <br /> Jadon 011ila the Centennial Fire District and fire departments can be dropped off anytime at the west end of <br /> Penny Owen from Forest Lake, Scandia,and Mahtomedi. A the Hugo Fire Hall parking lot. <br /> Scott Peterson fire was started at a house on an old farm on <br /> Martin Schwartz Elmcrest Avenue just north of Bald Eagle Lake, <br /> Don Wolkerstorfer and firefighters evaluated the situation and put Watch Out for Children <br /> out the fire with the least amount of water possi- Now that school is out, Hugo Fire Chief Jim <br /> ble. "This gives us a chance to see how we all Compton reminds all Hugo residents to watch <br /> work together as a team," states Compton. "It's a out for children riding bicycles or playing along <br /> real fire,but it's done in a controlled environ- roads. He adds, "We just want to remind every- <br /> ment, so the firefighters can see how the fire one to take a little extra care and keep our kids <br /> behaves as it progresses to a fully involved struc- safe this summer." <br /> ture." <br /> I <br />