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2002 December Newsletter
2002 December Newsletter
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December 2002 <br /> 1 <br /> YOUR CITY <br /> HUGOREPORT+-r1 .�"• 33" .y"` ..;s3'.n "SS�'° - <br /> i <br /> HUGO CITY HALL, 14669 FITZGERALD AVENUE NORTH HUGO, MN 55038 (651) 762-6300 <br /> CITY BUDGET UPDATE <br /> HUGO PUBLIC <br /> WORKS <br /> DECREASED HOUSING ACTIVITY AND POTENTIAL LOSS OF DEPARTMENT <br /> STATE AID VYILL EFFECT THE CITY BUDGET � <br /> GROWING <br /> For the second consecutive year,building permit revenues in the City of Hugo have <br /> been flat or declining. With the State of Minnesota facing a tremendous budget Rapid growth in the City of Hugo <br /> deficit, the City does not anticipate receiving any state aid next year. Low interest and a need to provide road mainte- <br /> rates will cut investment earnings in half. As a result, the City must rely heavily nance services formerly performed by <br /> on property taxes to balance the budget. Property taxes account for approximate- <br /> ly 82%of general fund revenues, up from 80%the previous year and 52%in 2001. '�, Washington County have resulted in <br /> the tremendous growth of the City's <br /> The total property tax levy proposed for 2003 is $2,406,690, which is $502,273 Public Works department over the <br /> higher than the previous year. Of this increase, $242,481 is needed to pay the past three years. "When I started <br /> principal and interest on bonds. The remaining $259,792 of the increase is need- with the City in 1999, we had one <br /> ed for general operating purposes, including the purchase of snow plowing equip- part-time employee besides myself," <br /> ment. Although the dollar amount of taxes has increased,the tax rate has increased explains Public Works Director Chris <br /> only 5%.This is the first time the City has increased the tax rate in the past seven Petree. "As far as equipment, we had <br /> years. one pick-up truck and a few hand <br /> tools. We didn't even have a push <br /> Total general fund expenditures are expected to increase 13.5%, with the largest mower." <br /> increases occurring in the public works and public safety departments. <br /> Hugo's Public Works department <br /> Washington County has been phasing out the road maintenance services it pro- I now has four full-time and two sea- <br /> vides to the City. Two additional staffing positions and major equipment pur- <br /> chases are necessary to maintain adequate levels of snow removal and street main- '� sonal summer employees and expects <br /> tenance services. The budget contains an appropriation of $100,000 to buy an to hire two more full-time employees <br /> additional snow plow truck for the 2003-2004 winter season. by the summer of 2003. Their list of <br /> equipment includes two large single- <br /> In the area of public safety, the fire department budget has increased 29% to pro- axle snow plowing trucks, a motor <br /> vide training and safety gear to the volunteers. The City is also taking an aggres- grader for maintaining the nearly 33 <br /> sive approach to replace antiquated trucks and equipment. Law enforcement miles of gravel roads in Hugo, five <br /> expenses will also increase as federal COPS grant funding expires. Another factor small trucks, a skid steer loader, a <br /> driving up the City's budget is a 30% increase in the outlay to retire the firefight- large air compressor, a large <br /> ers pension deficit resulting from a weak stock market. mower/snow blower, and a trailer <br /> mounted 150 Kw <br /> In looking forward, City officials anticipate a continued strong reliance on proper- GROWING <br /> ty taxes in 2004, unless future housing construction projects are developed. Continued on Page 2 <br />
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