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GROWING be a cooperative process. determine exactly what the facility <br /> Continued from Page 1 needs to include. "We're going to <br /> What this has meant for Hugo is a look to see what we need to get start- <br /> generator. Purchases planned for fairly rapid and extensive transition ed, as well as what our Public Works <br /> 2003 include an additional plow process taking place over the past two building might need to be 15-20 years <br /> truck and a large tractor with a ditch years. "The biggest thing that resi- from now," Granger states. He hopes <br /> mower. Plans also call for a portable dents will notice is that the City to draw on the experience of the com- <br /> pothole patch unit (or "tar buggy"), a Public Works crews will be doing the mittee members to streamline the <br /> one-ton dump truck, and a tractor majority of the snow plowing begin- process and come up with a building <br /> back hoe to be purchased in the next ning this winter," states Petree, "and plan that allows for future growth. He <br /> few years. we expect to be capable of maintain- adds, "Our goal is for the Public <br /> ing and plowing all of our roads next Works department to occupy a new <br /> The list of City services and mainte- year." He adds, "We also expect to be facility in 2004." <br /> nance provided by the Hugo Public grading all the gravel roads ourselves <br /> Works department is a long one and beginning in the spring of 2003." "People tend to take public works ser- <br /> includes: well, water tower, and sani- vices for granted," states Granger, <br /> tary sewer system maintenance; park The Public Works department is cur- "but the fact is that there are numer- <br /> maintenance; snow plowing, grading rently operating in the former City ous labor- and equipment-intensive <br /> of gravel roads, and all other road Hall building; however, this facility is services that must be provided." <br /> maintenance such as patching pot- inadequate for the demands of the Petree adds, "We are taking on many <br /> holes, repairing culverts and pipes, growing department. "We have run functions over a fairly short period of <br /> installing street signs, street sweeping, out of garage space for our equip- time, but we have an experienced <br /> tree trimming, and ditch mowing. ment," explains Petree. "We also have staff, and we are committed to meet- <br /> anumber of pieces that won't physi- ing or exceeding the level of service � <br /> While Hugo has always performed its cally fit into our current building." that Hugo residents have come to <br /> own water, sewer, and park mainte- The two used plow trucks that were expect." <br /> nance, the City has contracted with purchased from Washington County <br /> Washington County to perform all are being stored at that County's facil- <br /> road maintenance services. That ity, and the motor grader is stored at <br /> arrangement began to change in 2000 the Hugo Fire Hall. In addition, the <br /> when Hugo's growth became too building is not handicapped accessi- RESIDENTS <br /> great for Washington County. "We ble, portions of the roof are failing, <br /> could see the growth taking place in and it lacks space for such basics as an SOUGHT FOR <br /> Hugo," states Greg Felt, Operations employee training room and locker PLANNING <br /> Manager for Washington County, room.It COMMISSION <br /> and we knew we weren't going to be <br /> able to grow our maintenance forces At its November 18, 2002 meeting Terms for two Planning <br /> to accommodate the future needs of the Hugo City Council formed a Commission members will <br /> Hugo." Felt also notes that the Public Works Building Committee. expire at the end of 2002. The <br /> County needed to focus its attention City Council Member Mike Granger, City of Hugo is looking for resi- <br /> on the County road system, for exam- a member of that committee along dents who might be interested in <br /> ple, freeing up County employees for with Council Member Frank Puleo, serving on the City's Planning <br /> a second shift of snow plowing work- City Administrator Mike Ericson and <br /> Commission. Please call City <br /> ers. He adds that the County has Petree, explains that the purpose of Hall at (651) 762-6300 for more <br /> agreed to assist Hugo throughout the this committee is to find a site for a <br /> information and an application. <br /> transition, noting that it continues to new Public Works facility and to <br /> 2 <br />