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PUBLIC WORKS NEWS <br /> NEW PUBLIC <br /> HUGO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO WORKS <br /> BEGIN SNOW PLOWING EMPLOYEES <br /> All snow plowing in Hugo was formerly done by the Washington County Highway HIRED <br /> Department. However, beginning this year, the City of Hugo's Public Works <br /> Department will take over two of the three major truck routes for snow plowing in Two new Public Works workers <br /> the City. "We will also be adding a route that will use a motor grader and anoth- have recently been hired by the <br /> er route that will be plowed using a smaller, one-ton pick-up truck," notes Public City of Hugo. Mike Loeffler and <br /> Works Director Chris Petree. Rob Weldon started on August 5 <br /> and will be performing a variety <br /> Petree is confident that the City will be able to meet or exceed the snow plowing of duties for the Public Works <br /> service level residents have enjoyed in the past. "We want to provide the residents Department, including mainte- <br /> of Hugo with the same level of service they've grown to expect from Washington nance of streets, water and sewer <br /> County," he states, "but we ask that residents understand that it may take some systems, parks, buildings, and <br /> time to phase into our new system." grounds. Both are experienced <br /> workers: Loeffler formerly <br /> DON'T PLACE SNOW ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS worked for a private excavating <br /> company, and Weldon was <br /> With winter quickly approaching, the City of Hugo would like to remind every- employed by the Public Works <br /> one that it is against the law to deposit snow, in any fashion, on or next to a pub- Department of another city in <br /> lic highway or street. Minnesota State Statute 160.27 prohibits plowing, shovel- the Twin Cities area. <br /> ing, blowing or otherwise placing snow onto any public road right-of-way, and <br /> doing so is punishable as a misdemeanor. Snow which is moved to the public The Hugo Public Works <br /> right-of-way can create hazardous situations,'' including slippery areas, frozen ruts Department now has four full- <br /> and ridges, bumps,sight obstructions and drainage problems. Property owners are time employees, and there are <br /> responsible for informing any person who performs snow removal on their premis- plans for more hiring in the <br /> es of this law. It is also important to remember that both the property owner and future. Reasons cited by Public <br /> the person who moved the snow onto the roadway may be liable should an acci- Works Director Chris Petree for <br /> dent occur as a result of improper snow placement. Ifyou have questions about snow the growth of the Department <br /> removal or would like a copy of the City's Snow and Ice Control Policy, call the Public include an increased need to <br /> Works Department at 651-762-6300. maintain infrastructure as a <br /> result of building and develop- <br /> ment within the City, the addi- <br /> tion of park land, and the fact <br /> " CHANGE YOUR <br /> that Washington County will no <br /> longer be providing street ser- <br /> SMO DETECTOR <br /> Cvices such as snow plowing and <br /> BATTERIES road grading. "We essentially <br /> started from nothing and are <br /> building a Public Works <br /> Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton reminds all residents to change the batteries in Department from the ground <br /> their smoke detectors when they set their clocks back this fall. <br /> up," explains Petree. <br /> 3 <br />