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AMERICAN LEGION REBUILDING CITY PROJECT <br /> PLANS UNDERWAY UPDATE <br /> from Brian Mitchell, <br /> At its September 16 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized a purchase agree- Engineering Inspector <br /> ment to sell one acre of land in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park (BEIP) to the Hugo <br /> American Legion Post 620 to construct a new building. The site is located on the Production Wells. Well No. 4 is now <br /> north end of BEIP on 140th Street between the Hugo Fire Hall and Rick's Liquor approximately 90% complete. The <br /> Store. The American Legion's former building, at 5736 147th Street North, was building is in place and the contractor <br /> destroyed in a fire on July 16. The remains of the building have been demolished, is working on installing miscellaneous <br /> and the property is currently being prepared for sale. components of the production sys- <br /> tem. The well house is scheduled to <br /> Post 620 Commander John Thomas notes that the new site will offer more visibil- begin operation around mid- <br /> ity, more adequate parking, and the opportunity for a larger building. The plan November. As stated in the June <br /> calls for a one-story 7,500 square foot building that will be handicapped accessible newsletter, this well will allow the <br /> and include banquet facilities for up to 300 people. The Legion is hoping to break City's water supply system to catch up <br /> ground on the new building this fall. with the current demand. <br /> At an emergency meeting held on July 22, the Hugo City Council created a spe- Water Tower. The contractor has <br /> cial American Legion Building Committee to assist the Legion in its rebuilding completed construction, painting, <br /> efforts. "We met with Legion officials immediately after the fire and offered the and hoisting of the water storage tank <br /> City's support," states Council Member Mike Granger, a member of the commit- and is now in the process of connect- <br /> tee. "We helped them to acquire a piece of land in Hugo, and we will work with ing the feeder main to the water <br /> them to find the best use for their existing property and maximize their return on tower. This is the water supply line <br /> its sale." Proceeds from the sale of this property will help defer the cost of the new that will provide the tank water for <br /> site and building. storage. Remaining work consists of <br /> installing access doors, construction <br /> "The City has been very cooperative and helpful," notes Thomas. "They worked of the second floor storage area, and <br /> with us to come up with a fair price for the land, City officials made themselves miscellaneous site restoration items. <br /> available for special meetings with us, and they have offered us the use of the The contractor remains on schedule <br /> Oneka Room at City Hall for our annual Veteran's Day dinner in November." with a completion date set for the end <br /> of October. <br /> Until the new facility is available, Post <br /> 620 will continue to have its monthly <br /> meetings at the US Bank, and the AMERICAN LEGION <br /> Auxiliary will meet at the Blacksmith REBUILDING FUND <br /> Lounge. For any further information <br /> regarding Hugo's American Legion Although the American Legion building was insured, the entire cost of rebuild- <br /> Post 620, contact Commander John ing will not be covered. A rebuilding fund has been established for anyone who <br /> Thomas at 651-439-6849. wishes to contribute to help Post 620 rebuild. Please send donations to: <br /> 1 � <br /> Hugo American Legion Rebuilding Fund <br /> P.O. Box 371 <br /> Hugo, MN 55038 <br /> 4 <br />