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' August 2002 <br /> YOUR CITY <br /> HU.GOREPORT <br /> HUGO CITY HALL, 14669 FITZGERALD AVENUE NORTH HUGO, MN 55038 (65 1) 762-6300 <br /> HUGO AMERICAN LEGION HALL <br /> MEETING <br /> DESTROYED BY FIRE <br /> NEWS <br /> American Legion Post 620, located at 5736 147th Street North, was destroyed in <br /> a fire that began on the evening of Monday, July 15 and rekindled early the fol- Because the American Legion was <br /> lowing morning. The building, the home of Post 620 since 1962, is described as host for many community meet- <br /> a total loss by Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton. Established in 1947, Post 620 cur- ings and events, these will now <br /> rently has 127 members and 71 women in its Auxiliary. Mayor Fran Miron calls have to be relocated due to the fire. <br /> the Legion "a cornerstone of the community," adding, "The membership within Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton has <br /> the Legion have been pillars of the community—including many who have served offered the Hugo Fire Hall to any <br /> as City officials—and they have a very strong Auxiliary." group that formerly used the <br /> Legion building, and City <br /> The Initial Fire - Monday Night Administrator Mike Ericson has <br /> According to Chief Compton, at 5:59 p.m. on Monday, July 15, the Hugo Fire also offered the City Hall's Oneka <br /> Department received a call to respond to a grease fire in the kitchen of the Room. <br /> American Legion building. They arrived three minutes later to find heavy black <br /> smoke coming out of the building. After putting the fire out in the kitchen, they The following events have been <br /> noticed fire coming out of the vents on the roof. "So we cut a ventilation hole in scheduled at new locations: <br /> the roof and put out the fire in the attic area," he stated. "We pulled the entire <br /> ceiling down in the kitchen and about two-thirds of the ceiling in the ballroom. American Legion Post 620 <br /> We had some hot spots, so we went up and took care of them and sprayed the Monthly Meetings <br /> entire attic area with fire suppression foam." 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7 pm <br /> US Bank <br /> The building was ventilated, and for the next three hours firefighters continued 14431 Forest Blvd. North <br /> their "mop up" — carefully searching through the building to check for any more <br /> areas of fire. In all, 23 Hugo firefighters spent about three and one half hours at American Legion Post 620 <br /> the scene. At that point, Compton estimates that about half of the building would Auxiliary Monthly Meetings <br /> have needed to be replaced. 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7 pm <br /> Blacksmith Lounge <br /> The Fire Rekindles - Tuesday Morning 17205 Forest Blvd.North <br /> Compton returned to check the scene twice after leaving with his crew at 10:30 <br /> p.m. He also asked the Washington County Sheriffs Department to do hourly American Legion Post 620 <br /> checks on the building. At 4:54 a.m. a deputy saw smoke coming out of the ven- Auxiliary Fall Craft Fair <br /> tilation hole that had been cut in the ceiling. He immediately paged the Fire November 9 <br /> Department, and when Compton arrived three minutes later, there were flames Hugo Fire Hall <br /> LEGION FIRE: 5323 140th Street North <br /> Continued on Page 2 <br />