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LEGION FIRE pumped into the building and the <br /> Continued from Page 1 amount of foam we used, we're THE LEGION"S <br /> stumped." <br /> throughout the ballroom, shooting REACTION <br /> roughly 50 feet into the air through A Special City Council <br /> the roof. Meeting Called <br /> American Legion First Vice <br /> On July 22, a special meeting was <br /> Once again, all 23 members of the called by the Hugo City Council. Commander Phil Kamman <br /> Hugo Fire Department responded. Before a capacity crowd in the describes the fire as a loss not <br /> The Centerville Fire Department was Council Chambers, Chief Compton only to members, but to the <br /> also called for mutual aid, and the reported the events of the fire, and the community as well. He notes <br /> White Bear Lake ambulance was state fire marshal indicated that,based that in addition to being a mili- <br /> called for standby in case of any on the construction and the type of tary fraternal organization and <br /> injuries to firefighters. Compton stat- materials, the occurrence of rekin- operating a bar and social club, <br /> ed, "We made an initial attack, dling is common in situations like the American Legion contributes <br /> putting out the majority of the fire this. Representatives of the American a great deal back into the com- <br /> that was proceeding to the south end Legion also spoke at the meeting. munity. Last year,they gave back <br /> of the building by popping some win- Commander John Thomas stated that nearly$50,000—much of that in <br /> dows out." The situation was made the Legion places no blame whatsoev- college scholarships for students <br /> more difficult because a house and a er on the Fire Department for what in the four school districts serv- <br /> garage on the west side of the building occurred. It was also reported that the ing Hugo. The Legion has also <br /> had to be protected from the fire. A building was insured, and the mem- <br /> second crew entered through the hers of Post 620 plan to rebuild. supported Boys' and Girls' State, <br /> fire in <br /> the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, <br /> south door and found heavy <br /> the south attic area. "We got that fire The City Council took action to form the Fire Department, and youth <br /> put out after we pulled the ceiling a special committee, including City summer athletic programs. <br /> down, and by that time the roof on staff, Council, and American Legion <br /> the north end had caved in," members, to facilitate the building of Mary Gutz, 1st Vice President of <br /> Compton added. After a final mop a new home for Post 620. "The the American Legion Auxiliary, <br /> up, the crew left at about 10:30 a.m. Council is very willing to work with said that the Auxiliary was "dev- <br /> the American Legion, and we're anx- astated" by the loss, adding, "We <br /> One firefighter was treated on the ious to see Post 620 re-establish itself feel lost — as though we've lost <br /> scene for heat exhaustion, but there in the community," states Mayor our home." She indicated that <br /> were no injuries to any employees, Miron. Until a new building can be some of their activities may need <br /> patrons, or firefighters. A great deal constructed, both the Hugo Fire Hall to be curtailed until they have a <br /> of memorabilia was lost, but most of and the City Hall's Oneka Room will new building. She was especially <br /> the Legion's war memorabilia was be made available to any group that <br /> stored in the basement, where it suf- formerly met at the Legion building. grateful to the Fire Department <br /> for providing space for the craft <br /> fered some water and smoke damage, <br /> but is salvageable. fair in November and to George <br /> AMERICAN LEGION Reus at the Blacksmith Lounge <br /> When asked about how the fire rekin- REBUILDING FUND for offering his support after the <br /> dled, Compton responded, "It's a big Although the American Legion building was fire. <br /> blow to the community and to the insured,the entire cost of rebuilding will not <br /> be covered. A fund has been established for <br /> firefighters to have this happen. anyone who wishes to contribute to help Both Kamman and Gutz report <br /> We've re-examined this fire from Post 620 rebuild. send donations to: that their members are anxious <br /> every angle, trying to figure out what <br /> Hugo American Legion Rebuilding Fund REACTION <br /> rekindled or where it rekindled. P.O.Box 371 Continued on Page 3 <br /> Considering the amount of water we Hugo,MN 55038 <br /> 2 <br />