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WORK CONTINUES ON FACILITY <br /> (Continued from Page 1) <br /> ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAN <br /> Department from scratch, notes <br /> City Administrator Mike Ericson. In <br /> A Stakeholder's Task Force has been School District. Ted Blaesing, addition to Petree, the department <br /> formed to work on plans for a new Superintendent of White Bear Lake currently employs one other full-time <br /> elementary school site proposed for Area Schools, is excited about this and two seasonal staff members, and <br /> the Everton Avenue neighborhood, project as well as the cooperation the plans are to have two more full- <br /> northwest of downtown Hugo. A among the various groups involved. time staff members by July, 2002. <br /> concept plan was originally prepared However, he believes it is premature <br /> by architects from the Borman Kroos to speculate about when a referendum The City Council has determined a <br /> Vogel (BKV) Group, at the request of might be held. "We need to be sure tentative timeline for a new Public <br /> local developers Len Pratt and Jim that we plan this carefully," he states. Works facility— <br /> Peterson, and was endorsed by the "We need to use this unique opportu- 2002: Needs study and site selection <br /> Hugo City Council in January 2002. nity to get a facility that will be of use <br /> process <br /> The task force, a cooperative effort to the entire community." 2003: Engineering and purchase of <br /> between the City of Hugo, the White <br /> property <br /> Bear Lake Area School District, the Haas agrees that it is important to rec- 2004: Construction and moving into <br /> developers, and other interested resi- ognize this excellent opportunity. a new facility <br /> dents and groups, is working on final- "We have developers here who recog- <br /> izing the components of the concept nize the value of a school in their The ultimate plans for the former <br /> plan. development," he notes. "They are City Hall building have yet to be <br /> willing to set aside land to have a determined. Many possibilities have <br /> Two components have been agreed on school built on it, because they recog- been discussed, but no definite plans <br /> at this time: (1) a K-6 elementary nize that it is important to the com- have been made. <br /> school,which would be built by 2005 munity, and they know it also makes <br /> and serve 750 students, and (2) ball sense for their development." Haas <br /> and play fields. Other possible com- further explains that building this new ' — <br /> ponents include a fitness center, gym- facility will be cost efficient. He adds, <br /> nasium, soccer fields, a senior center, "We hope to show voters that they <br /> and a county library. Ward 3 City will get$3 worth of facilities for every <br /> Council member Chuck Haas, who is $1 paid by taxpayers." <br /> the City Council's liaison to the task <br /> force, explains, "This is not going to <br /> be your typical elementary school. <br /> We are trying to make it much more <br /> than that." In fact,he prefers to call it HELP HUGO GROIN! <br /> a "lifetime of learning center," which <br /> would be open all hours of the day, all <br /> The City of Hugo is looking for residents who would be interested in serving <br /> year long, for people throughout the <br /> on the Stakeholder's Task Force for the proposed elementary school develop- <br /> community to use. <br /> ment. Duties would include attending meetings, suggesting and evaluating <br /> Once plans for the center are final- components of the plan, and ultimately promoting the plan to voters and <br /> ized, it will ultimately have to be other interested groups. For more information or to volunteer, contact City <br /> voted on in a referendum in the Administrator Mike Ericson at City Hall, (651) 762-6300. <br /> 10 <br />