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2002 June Newsletter
2002 June Newsletter
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HOT NEWS Your Guide to Public Meetings <br /> FROMTHE Based on a recommendation from the Planning Commission, the Hugo City <br /> HUGO FIRE Council accepted a set of guidelines for public meetings at its May 20, 2002 meet- <br /> ing. These guidelines are designed to maintain civility at public meetings and to <br /> DEPARTMENT treat people with dignity and respect. <br /> Mayor Fran Miron commented, "I'm very pleased that the Planning Commission <br /> Burning Permits has developed these guidelines, because I believe it creates a whole new awareness <br /> Anyone wishing to burn approved <br /> of the level of professionalism and service that we are moving toward in serving the <br /> citizens of Hugo." <br /> materials in the City of Hugo must <br /> secure a burning permit from the Fire A shortened version of these guidelines appears below. A complete copy of"Public <br /> Department. The only exception is Meeting Guidelines" is available at City Hall or on the City's web site at <br /> <br /> for a recreational fire, which is <br /> defined as a fire no larger than 3 feet Public MeetingGuidelines <br /> by 3 feet by 3 feet. <br /> 1. Listen. Learn to listen so that you 8. Make decisions in the open. <br /> The Fire Department reminds you <br /> hear clearly what others have to say. Create an environment in which the <br /> Listen with respect and with an open City's business is conducted in the <br /> that it is your responsibility to keep mind. Focus on listening, rather than open and in which debate is encour- <br /> fires under control at all times. In what you will say in response. aged and valued. Adhere to the spirit, <br /> cases where individuals have lost con- as well as the letter, of the Open <br /> trol of burning situations and the 2. Seek consensus. Seek common Meetings Law. <br /> ground among many competing view- <br /> City's Fire Department has been points; the process may be more 9. Nurture the value of the individ- <br /> called to the scene, the courts have important than the product. ual; recognize the strength of the <br /> been awarding damages to the City, in team. Take advantage of differing <br /> an amount to cover the cost of fight- 3. Disagree agreeably. Disagreement strengths, interests, and abilities of <br /> is not bad as long as the opinions of members. However, recognize that <br /> ing the fire. others are treated with respect. the group's strength comes from <br /> Conflicts can be an opportunity for working together as a team. <br /> To obtain a burning permit, contact the growth; disagreements can present <br /> Fire Department at (651) 429-6366 solutions previously not seen. 10. Trust your judgment; make <br /> tough decisions. Seek many opinions <br /> Please allow three business days for pro- 4. Respect the will of the majority. on an issue, but trust your judgement <br /> cessing. Live with the results of a vote on an to decide what is best for the City as a <br /> issue, and take no actions to under- whole, while protecting the rights of <br /> Display Your Address mine this decision. individual citizens. <br /> The Fire Department reminds all res- 5. Respect the rights of the minority. 11. Avoid "meeting night" tunnel <br /> idents that they need to be able to see Be sensitive to the feelings and con- vision. Resist the temptation to form <br /> your address clearly. City code speci- cerns of those who did not agree with a perception of how the City func- <br /> fies that all residences and businesses the majority. Respect their rights of tions based on what happens at meet- <br /> conscience. ings. Keep what happens at meetings <br /> must display their addresses so that within the context of the operation of <br /> they are clearly visible from the road. 6. Treat everyone with respect. Do the entire City. <br /> Numbers should be no less than 6 not publicly embarrass or humiliate <br /> inches high and be visible from 100 <br /> others. Maintain an atmosphere of 12. This too shall pass. There will <br /> good will and respect. Do not intim- always be another controversial issue <br /> feet off a public roadway. idate or judge others. looming on the horizon. Keep a bal- <br /> anced perspective and maintain a <br /> 7. Share information. Share relevant healthy sense of humor. <br /> information with others in a timely <br /> manner. <br /> 9 <br />
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