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2002 June Newsletter
2002 June Newsletter
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OPEN HOUSE that is causing the need for a new water flow from the site of the <br /> (Continued from Page 1) City Hall is going to pay for it." new City Hall. "The rain gardens <br /> will also include two illuminates <br /> The design for the 13,100 square waterfalls," adds Burmeister, "and <br /> foot building was carefully we expect completion of the over- <br /> thought out by supervising archi- all landscaping by early July." <br /> tect Bob Russek, with special The City obtained a $50,000 <br /> attention paid to climate factors grant from the Metropolitan <br /> and future expansion. The floor Council and a $40,000 grant <br /> plan includes improved City from the Rice Creek Watershed <br /> Council chambers, a multi-use District for the design and land- <br /> community room available to scaping materials for the site. <br /> local clubs and organizations, and <br /> The opening of the new City Hall an administration wing with a At the conclusion of the open <br /> is the culmination of a process mixture of open office space and house celebration, the Mayor and <br /> that began at a town meeting in administrative offices. City Council members walked <br /> July 2000 when residents from the lobby to the new <br /> expressed a clear preference for The City Hall boasts a unique Council Chambers for a City <br /> constructing a new City Hall landscaping plan. Landscaping Council meeting with an over- <br /> building that would be a high superintendent Greg Burmeister flow crowd in attendance. The <br /> quality facility— something Hugo of Arnt Construction points out Mayor reflects on the new era for <br /> could be proud of. The down- that there are two separate land- the City of Hugo: "When I look <br /> town location allows the City scaping projects. In addition to now at the staff and the new <br /> Hall to be an anchor for the rede- the usual trees, bushes, flowers, facility — with the incorporation <br /> velopment of downtown Hugo and grasses, the plan includes an of technology, computers, and <br /> and part of the "town center" innovative storm water manage- phone systems — I really question <br /> concept identified in the City's ment solution that incorporates how they were able to function in <br /> recent community visioning rain gardens, a series of retention the old facility. Building the new <br /> process. ponds and storm water drainage, City Hall really is a step that <br /> which will handle the storm needed to be taken." <br /> On April 16, 2001, the City <br /> Council awarded the contract for <br /> construction of the City Hall to <br /> Mark Haug Construction, Inc. of WkSTER GARDENER <br /> Pine City, Minnesota. The total <br /> cost was estimated at $1.5 mil- VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR <br /> lion for construction and $2.1 NEW CITY HALL SITE <br /> million for the complete project. <br /> At its August 20, 2001 meeting, <br /> the Hugo City Council approved The City of Hugo is looking for residents who are master gardeners to volun- <br /> the sale of bonds in the amount teer to assist with the landscaping plan for the new City Hall. In addition to <br /> of $1,870,000 with an interest the usual trees, bushes, flowers, and grasses, the landscaping plan includes an <br /> rate of 4.77% to finance the City innovative storm water management solution that incorporates rain gardens, <br /> Hall project. City officials were a series of retention ponds and storm water drainage which will handle the <br /> very pleased with the low interest storm water flow from the site of the City Hall. <br /> rate. City Council member <br /> Chuck Haas further notes that, This landscaping plan will be very labor-intensive, so the Public Works <br /> department will need additional help .with planting, maintenance, and <br /> given the positive financial out- <br /> upkeep. Interested master gardeners who would like to volunteer their time <br /> look for Hugo, the City will not <br /> and talents on this project are asked to contact City Administrator Mike <br /> have to raise property taxes, say- Ericson at City Hall at 651-762-6300 for further information. <br /> ing, "In essence, the development <br /> 2 <br />
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