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CITY COUNCIL SETS GOALS FOR 2002 <br /> The Hugo City Council held its annual goal-setting session (RCWD), the City has submitted a comprehensive funding <br /> and finalized a list of goals for 2002 at its March 4, 2002 proposal to the Minnesota Department of Transportation to <br /> meeting. Mayor Fran Miron notes, "We got started some- fix these culverts. <br /> what late in our goal-setting process this year, partly because <br /> we involved the Parks Commission and the Planning City Council member Chuck Haas adds that the RCWD <br /> Commission in the process." He adds, "We actually had a has also applied for a Legislative Committee on Minnesota <br /> number of meetings to discuss the functions and responsi- Resources (LCMR) grant to clean up the accumulated sedi- <br /> bilities of the City's commissions and the Council, and then ment that has resulted from years of inadequate water flow. <br /> one work session to set the goals for 2002. It was not a dif- He states, "This project is designed to restore the natural <br /> ficult process and consensus was reached very readily on the scenic and, most importantly, the hydrological features of <br /> issues." Hardwood Creek. It has gotten the support of environmen- <br /> tal organizations and wildlife management groups because <br /> The City Council identified these seven high-priority goals this will hopefully bring needed closure to the long struggle <br /> for the City of Hugo in the year 2002: with the Hardwood Creek land owners, and it will provide <br /> responsible management for one of our most scenic and nat- <br /> 1. Implement a storm water and flood Plain management ural areas." <br /> plan for the West Oneka Lake area. This project originated <br /> with a request to the City from property owners who need- 3. Determine the realignment design for County State Aid <br /> ed help in cleaning up a ditch at 165th Street. Community Highway(CSAR) 8/14. Please see the story on page six for <br /> Development Director John Rask explains that it then further explanation. <br /> evolved into a look at a comprehensive storm water and <br /> flood plain management plan for the area west of Oneka 4. Finalize the plans for a new elementary school site in the <br /> Lake. In addition to cleaning out the ditch, a study of the Everton Avenue neighborhood. Please see the story on page <br /> area indicated a need for providing storm water retention ten for further explanation. <br /> ponds as well as flood water management,so that area homes <br /> and businesses can be removed from the flood plain. Rask 5. Complete the needs study and site selection process for <br /> notes, "The City is trying to be proactive in providing storm a new Public Works facility Please see the story on page one <br /> water management in anticipation of future development in for further explanation. <br /> the area." City Council member Chuck Haas adds, "The <br /> fundamental idea is to encourage developers to do area-wide 6. Complete the full Comprehensive Plan. The <br /> planning so that we can create neighborhoods that enhance Comprehensive Plan sets forth the policy and goals for <br /> our quality of life." growth of the community and land preservation. <br /> Community Development Director John Rask explains that <br /> 2. Design and replace culverts at Hardwood Creek. There the plan has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council, <br /> are four roads that cross Hardwood Creek (also called the regional planning agency in the Twin Cities area, for its <br /> Judicial Ditch #2), and the creek runs through culverts review. "We are at the end of the process and anticipate hav- <br /> beneath these roads. These culverts have inadequate ing the Metropolitan Council complete its review by the end <br /> hydraulic capacities and are at incorrect elevations. Two of of July 2002," he explains. <br /> these roads are the City of Hugo's responsibility, one is <br /> Washington County's and one is Forest Lake's responsibility. GOALS <br /> In cooperation with the Rice Creek Watershed District (Continued on Page 4) <br /> 3 <br />