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2002 June Newsletter
2002 June Newsletter
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GOALS <br /> (Continued from Page 3) WATERING RESTRICTIONS IN <br /> 7. Get approval from Hugo resi- <br /> EFFECT FOR CITY OF HUGO <br /> dents for seven additional liquor Hugo residents and property owners who use the municipal water supply are being <br /> licenses. According to Minnesota asked to help conserve water and protect the environment by restricting their <br /> state statute, Hugo must go to the watering of lawns,trees,or other vegetation. In a resolution implemented May 15, <br /> voters on a referendum to get their 2001, the days you may water are determined by your street address. If your <br /> approval in order to issue additional address ends in an odd number, you may water only on odd-numbered calendar <br /> liquor licenses in the City. City days; if your address ends in an even number, you may water only on even-num- <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson explains, bered calendar days. <br /> "If we don't have this approval, we . <br /> Concern over having enough water in case of a fire is not an issue this year. "We <br /> won't be able to have any new restau- have an adequate water supply," explains Public Works Director Chris Petree. <br /> rants. "The biggest issue now is conservation. Our goal is to preserve the aquifers by <br /> reducing excess water waste." Petree added that residents are also asked not to <br /> In addition to the seven primary water between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. He notes, "Watering through that heat of the <br /> goals, Mayor Miron also cites rural day is very inefficient because the water just evaporates before it can do any good." <br /> preservation as a priority for the City. <br /> He states, "There's a strong concern An exemption from the odd-even restriction of up to 30 days is available for new <br /> that we retain that which has attract- sod, seed, or plantings. You may call the Hugo City Hall at (651) 762-6300 to be <br /> ed people to this community — and added to a 30-day exemption list. <br /> we believe that to be its rural charac- <br /> ter. And so the City Council wants to <br /> move forward in analyzing,reviewing, NEW FACES AT CITY HALL <br /> and adopting those tools that fit the <br /> community's plan in preserving that Renee Cunningham, Deputy Clerk/Receptionist <br /> rural character." Renee began working for the City on April 1, 2002. As Deputy <br /> Clerk/Receptionist, she schedules inspections for the Building Department, <br /> The Mayor believes that setting goals processes permits, schedules various meetings held at City Hall, assists with <br /> serves two important functions. First, elections, and provides administrative support. Her previous work experience <br /> goals are critical so that the City com- <br /> includes legal administrative work for the St. Paul Companies for Government <br /> missions and staff know the priorities <br /> Affairs and serving as an assistant to the Deputy Commissioner for the of the City Council and can work Minnesota Department of Commerce. Renee grew up in St. Paul and moved <br /> to the Creekview Preserve in Hugo two years ago, where she and her husband <br /> with the Council to develop and Chuck live. They are very good friends with their neighbors and enjoy spend- <br /> implement appropriate policies. ing time with them. Renee also enjoys scuba diving and boating. <br /> "Setting goals is also important for <br /> self-evaluation by the Council." <br /> Miron adds, "Without goals and pri- Gary Schwartz, Building Inspector <br /> orities established, that's a difficult Hugo's newest Building Inspector, Gary Schwartz, began work on April 15, <br /> process. When we have attainable, 2002. Gary was previously a Building Inspector for the City of Cottage <br /> measurable goals before us, we as a Grove, and he has also worked as an Operating Engineer at Deluxe <br /> Council can then evaluate the job Corporation. Having grown up in St. Paul, Gary and his wife Janet, a parale- <br /> were doing within the community. <br /> gal, now live in Roseville with their two daughters, Chelsea, age 10, and <br /> Christine, who is almost 5. The family enjoys fishing and camping together, <br /> as well as taking evening walks around their neighborhood. <br /> 4 <br />
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