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NEW WARD BOUNDARIES IN FALL ELECTIONS <br /> Following the 2000 national census, really is preferable to register before- Click on "Wards — Polling Places" to <br /> all state and local governments were hand." To register to vote before the see a ward map and a list of polling <br /> required to redraw their elective dis- election, simply fill out a voter regis- places. Click on "Washington <br /> tricts to ensure equal representation tration card,available at City Hall and County Info" for information regard- <br /> among the wards. At its April 15, a variety of other locations.To register ing registering to vote. <br /> 2002 meeting, the City Council at the polls, you will need proof of <br /> approved a new ward plan, chosen your identity and the address where <br /> from three possible redistricting plans you are living on election day (for <br /> prepared by Hugo's Community example, a utility bill). HUGO POLLING PLACES: <br /> Development Department. <br /> If you have further questions regard- <br /> Ward 1: Hugo Fire Station <br /> Michele Lindau, Community ing your ward, polling place, or regis- Ward 2: Hugo City Hall — <br /> Development Assistant, explains that tration, you may call the Hugo City NOTE.- This is a new poll location. <br /> the new plan did result in some Hall at (651) 762-6300, or visit the Ward 3: Rice Lake Park Building <br /> changes in ward boundaries, but kept City's web site at <br /> the general configuration the same. <br /> There were two ward boundary <br /> changes (1) the north central part of THE CITY OF HUGO NEEDS YOU: <br /> the previous Ward 3 is now in Ward 2; <br /> and (2) the northeast corner of the BECOME AN ELECTION JUDGE <br /> previous Ward 1 is now in Ward 3. <br /> Also, Ward 2 now has two precincts, The City of Hugo is currently looking for residents who might be interested <br /> to coincide with new legislative in being trained as election judges. City Clerk Mary Ann Creager explains, <br /> boundaries. (Ward 3,which previous- "We need to have a pool of trained judges available to serve on election day, <br /> ly had two precincts, now has only as well as additional judges to serve as alternates if the need arises." <br /> one.) People serving in this important position help guarantee that the rights of vot- <br /> ers are protected and that all election procedures are properly carried out on <br /> The new plan will be effective with <br /> the fall 2002 elections. A primary election day. Duties include: open and close the polls, distribute ballots and <br /> be responsible for all election materials, ensure that only qualified voters are <br /> election will be held on September 10, permitted to vote and that all votes are cast in secret, help any voters who <br /> 2002 (although there are no local require assistance, obtain the voting results after the polls are closed, and cer- <br /> Hugo primary races), and the general tify the election results. Election judges are paid $7.00 per hour and work <br /> election is on November 5, 2002. from 6:00 a.m. until about 10:00 p.m. Training is provided by the City of <br /> Washington County will be sending Hugo. <br /> postcards to all registered voters, <br /> informing them of their ward and Basic requirements for becoming an election judge are: (1) eligibility to vote <br /> polling place. in Washington county, and (2) ability to read, write, and speak English. In <br /> addition, an election judge cannot be a candidate in the election, or closely <br /> Lindau encourages City residents to related to a candidate, or closely related to another election judge in the same <br /> register to vote prior to the elections. precinct. (Being closely related means a spouse, parent, child, or sibling.) <br /> "Although voters are allowed to regis- If you are interested in being trained to be an election judge for Hugo, please <br /> ter at the polls on election day," she contact City Clerk Mary Ann Creager at (651) 762-6311. <br /> states, the lines can get very long. It <br /> 8 <br />