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CITY HALL <br /> FINANCE DIRECTOR <br /> CONSTRUCTION <br /> RECEIVES GFOA <br /> COMPLETED AWARD <br /> Hugo's new City Hall is scheduled to be complet- The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in <br /> ed by the end of February 2002. City Financial Reporting was awarded in November 2001 to <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson notes that the project the City of Hugo by the Government Finance Officers <br /> has proceeded smoothly and is on time and within Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) <br /> the proposed budget. for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) <br /> for the year ending December 31, 2000. An Award of <br /> "I think Hugo residents will be pleased with what Financial Reporting Achievement was awarded to <br /> they see," Ericson states. "The community room Finance Director Ron Otkin as the individual primari- <br /> in the new City Hall is something the Council is ly responsible for preparing the award-winning CAFR. <br /> especially excited about. It will provide clubs, This is the eighth time Otkin has won this award. <br /> groups, and organizations with the opportunity to <br /> gather together," bringing about what he calls a The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serv- <br /> "community connectedness" for Hugo. ing approximately 14,000 government finance profes- <br /> sionals. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest <br /> Mayor Fran Miron is especially pleased with the form of recognition in the area of governmental <br /> location. "It's an enhancement to our downtown <br /> accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment <br /> area. It's going to be the impetus for some won- <br /> derful downtown redevelopment in years to represents a significant accomplishment by a govern- <br /> come." He adds, "I think it was just a wonderful ment and its management. <br /> process, and the owners of those properties we <br /> needed to acquire in order to build the City Hall There are 32,000 municipalities nationwide whose <br /> population is under 10,000, and of those, only 259, or <br /> have been gracious to work with in enabling the <br /> City to utilize their property to build the City less than one percent, have qualified this past year to <br /> Hall." receive this award. In presenting the GFOA plaque to <br /> Otkin at the January 7, 2002 City Council meeting, <br /> An open house for the new City Hall is planned for Mayor Fran Miron stated, "We [the Council] receive <br /> March, and a final grand opening celebration will very detailed financial reports, and the budget process <br /> take place in the fall. goes extremely well each year. Ron does a super job, <br /> and we appreciate having Ron here." City <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson adds, "We are very pleased <br /> to have Ron as a member of the City Hall <br /> team. His 14 years of work for the City j <br /> of Hugo have been well recognized <br /> by the Council and staff, and now the <br /> Remember when the City Hall was just a drawing? entire Hugo community can appreci- <br /> ate his excellence in city finances." <br /> 10 <br />