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CITY PROJECT UPDATE <br /> From City Engineer Dave Mitchell Meet Jodle <br /> Production Wells. Well No. 3 is substantially complete and the City has <br /> Guareschl <br /> pumped some water into the distribution system from this well. The high Billing Clerk/Receptionist <br /> flow of water production from this well has caused scouring of some of the <br /> older and smaller water mains in the downtown area, which results in dis- <br /> coloredwater. This discoloring is not harmful, but may cause staining of December 2001 to work in <br /> clothes. The City staff is working to minimize the effect of this scouring the City's Finance <br /> and discoloring. Department as a Billing <br /> Clerk/Receptionist, having <br /> Drilling of Well No. 4 will begin in the next few weeks by the same con- previously done billing work <br /> tractor that drilled Well No. 3 last year. The site of the new well will be at City Hall as a volunteer. <br /> southwest of the post office just north of Flay Avenue. Well No. 4 will pro- <br /> She is originally from <br /> vide backup to the City's current system and provide service to the antici- <br /> pated development expected next summer and fall. Construction of the Australia,where she worked as <br /> pump house will be done next summer, and the well will be providing water an executive assistant. <br /> to the City's system next fall. <br /> Her husband's job as an engi- <br /> Water Tower. A new water tower is being constructed immediately neer for Tetra Pak, a world- <br /> northwest of the Creekview Preserve 3rd Addition, northwest of the current wide manufacturer of milk <br /> west terminus of 159th Street North. The contractor has completed the col- cartons, brought them to the <br /> umn portion of the tower. The water tank will be completed next spring. <br /> The City expects the new tower to be operational in the summer or fall of United States two years ago. <br /> They moved to Hugo about a <br /> 2002. <br /> year ago. <br /> Peloquin Industrial Park. This project will provide sewer and water <br /> utilities to the Peloquin Industrial Park area and will include the extension While waiting to be able to <br /> of sanitary sewer from the southeast corner of the Creekview Preserve devel- work in this country, Jodie <br /> opment. The contractor has completed the utilities and most of the street studied for her EMT certifi- <br /> construction within the industrial park, but was unable to complete the san- cate, which she recently <br /> itary sewer to connect the area to City sewer. This will be completed next <br /> spring. The water system within the industrial park was tested and activat- earned. She has become a fire <br /> ed this fall allowing for service and fire protection. fighter for the City of.Hugo, <br /> which she calls "a realization <br /> County Road S. The first informational meeting for this project was held of a lifelong goal." <br /> on January 15, 2002. The meeting was well attended, and many issues were <br /> identified for further study. TKDA, the County's consultant on the project, Jodie says that she is extreme- <br /> expects to study issues and concerns over the next few months and will be ly happy being a part of the <br /> prepared to hold another public informational meeting in April. Hugo community. Jodie, her <br /> Alternatives for the realignment of County Road 8 and their impacts will be <br /> presented at this meeting, and public comment will be solicited. husband Roland, and their <br /> dog, named Montgomery J. <br /> Washington County is managing this project, but the City of Hugo will be Bad Dog, are enjoying the <br /> a major participant in the planning and funding of the reconstruction of snow, which they rarely saw <br /> County Road 8,which will be the gateway to the community from the west. in Australia, and recently tried <br /> Your input is very valuable as this process moves through the next few ice skating for the first time. <br /> months. Watch for future announcements regarding this project either in <br /> the mail or in the newspaper. <br /> 11 <br />