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VISIONING Continued from Page 1 <br /> growth and development in central City Administrator Mike Ericson offer their input. "We really want <br /> Hugo (the traditional downtown notes that two key development to encourage public participation," <br /> area and surrounding neighbor- projects have already resulted from Miron states. "People have such <br /> hoods). He next described the the visioning process. The first is excellent ideas and look at things <br /> process itself, in which community the new City Hall as the anchor for from different perspectives than I <br /> participation was essential. It redevelopment of downtown or other members of the Council. <br /> began with a series of interviews Hugo. Lamb calls this concept a That kind of diversity just adds so <br /> with City staff, elected officials, "town center" which he describes much to the decision process." <br /> and planning commission mem- as a "clearly identifiable center to <br /> bers. HGA also conducted three Hugo where government is located Miron also believes that the vision- <br /> roundtable discussions with devel- and where there are a mix of uses ing plan will play a big part in <br /> opers and real estate professionals, and services that are convenient to Hugo's future. "It's going to be a <br /> major landowners, and schools and everybody in town." very critical piece of information in <br /> religious institutions, as well as two providing us with a basis for the <br /> interactive community workshops The second project is the Everton decisions that are made in Hugo," <br /> with Hugo residents. Avenue neighborhood, located he adds. " I believe it's going to <br /> northwest of downtown, north of have a big impact on how ulti- <br /> Lamb then outlined the key aspects County Road 8, with a new ele- mately we develop." <br /> of the plan, which are hinged on a mentary school as a key part of that <br /> development framework that con- neighborhood's development. <br /> siders lakes and water systems,wet- Ericson comments that it is almost <br /> lands, agriculture, streets, and land unheard of to be able locate a <br /> use. The final parts of the presen- school in advance and develop a <br /> tation included a look at actual neighborhood around it. We <br /> development patterns for neigh- have some fantastic partnerships <br /> borhoods and the street networks emerging here that would not have <br /> and transportation necessary for happened had we not had an <br /> their implementation. opportunity to go through the <br /> Charrette visioning process," <br /> Community Development Ericson states. "It happens once in <br /> Director John Rask explains that a City's lifetime to be able to do <br /> the next step is to implement this something like this." <br /> vision. "Over the next several <br /> years, we will be working on more All of those involved with the <br /> detailed land use studies and plans process point to the public's <br /> for central Hugo," he states. "The involvement as key. Mayor Fran <br /> visioning plan provides a general or Miron was somewhat disappointed <br /> broad framework for how we're with the number of people attend- <br /> going to start to look at develop- ing the public workshops, but he <br /> mens and redevelopment within and the other City staff are very <br /> central Hugo." grateful to those who did come and <br /> 5 <br />