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A, <br /> x a <br /> g <br /> , 'Y <br /> d <br /> t kJ <br /> y <br /> b <br /> e" <br /> .s. <br /> i <br /> 1 1 <br /> i..4 j$k <br /> aF y"S <br /> CITY COUNCIL ENDORSES <br /> ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CONCEPT PLAN <br /> At its.January 22, 2002 meeting, the Hugo City Council City officials and developers that this site will be an asset for <br /> strongly endorsed a concept plan for a new elementary the entire School District and feels confident that people <br /> school in the Everton Avenue neighborhood, northwest of from throughout the district would be using the facilities <br /> downtown Hugo. The plan,prepared by architects from the <br /> Borman Kroos Vogel (BKV) Group was originally presented City Administrator Mike Ericson notes that the City and <br /> at a meeting held on January 11 in the office of Ted Blaesing, School District are already forming partnerships with area <br /> Superintendent of White Bear Lake School District Number groups, including the White Bear Lake Basketball <br /> 624, where it was heartily endorsed by all of the local and Association, White Bear Lake Athletic Association, and the <br /> state officials present. Hugo Parks Commission, to develop this site. "We also see <br /> the City, County, School District, and State working togeth- <br /> Blaesing explains that while there is declining enrollment in er on this project," he comments. <br /> the southern part of the School District, there is a significant <br /> enrollment growth in the Hugo area, particularly among ele- Blaesing is impressed with the advance planning that has <br /> mentary school age children, creating the need for this new been done by City of Hugo officials and by developers Len <br /> school. "The concept of where the school would be located Pratt and Jim Peterson, calling it "incredible" and adding, "I <br /> seems to me to be right on target," he says. can't say enough positive things about working with them. <br /> It's been a delight working on this project, and I hope it <br /> In addition to a K-6 elementary school which would be built comes to fruition." Further meetings on the plan are sched- <br /> 17 <br /> by 2005 and serve 750 students, the plan also includes a fit- uled, and it will ultimately have to be voted on in a referen- <br /> ness center, gymnasium, ball fields, play fields, soccer fields, dum in the School District. <br /> a senior center, and a county library. Blaesing agrees with <br /> 6 <br />