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HUGO RECEIVES TOWN MEETING TO <br /> GRANT FOR DISCUSS FUTURE OF HUGO'S <br /> FUTURE PARK RURAL AREA <br /> The City of Hugo was successful in A Town Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, November 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the <br /> acquiring a $305,000 grant from the Hugo City Hall to begin to discuss the future of the eastern side of the City of <br /> Minnesota Department of Natural Hugo. In attendance will be the City's Planning Commission and the City <br /> Resources (DNR) to assist in the Council, and the public is encouraged to attend. <br /> purchase of the Bernin property,a 21- <br /> "What we're essentially looking at is how to best preserve the rural character of the <br /> acre site located on Oneka Lake. east side of the city," states Community Development Director John Rask. He <br /> Currently a Christmas tree farm goes on to explain that there are a variety of ways to do this. One way would be <br /> owned and operated by the Bernins, with "cluster housing," which involves allowing homes to be placed closer <br /> the property has approximately 1500 together on smaller lots, but requiring a certain amount of open space surround- <br /> feet of shoreline and is adjacent to the ing them. Another option would be to re-examine minimum development <br /> DNR boat access on Oneka Lake. standards in terms of lot sizes and road frontage requirements. <br /> The City's future plans for this land One more possibility for preserving the rural character is through the purchase of <br /> are to establish a natural park-like development rights. With this option, a governmental agency or some <br /> setting, with a small picnic area, and conservation organization could essentially purchase easements over a given <br /> such features as play equipment for property in order to maintain it permanently as an open space. <br /> children, barbecue pits, and a fishing Both Rask and City Administrator Mike Ericson are encouraging the citizens of <br /> pier. It would also provide public Hugo to attend the meeting and offer their opinions on this issue. "We want to <br /> access to Oneka Lake and allow for do this right," Ericson says, "by taking the time and getting citizens involved."The <br /> expansion of the DNR boat access Metropolitan Council will also be hosting a similar discussion on the future of the <br /> facility. rural metropolitan area on September 20, at Hooley Hall at the Washington <br /> County Fairgrounds in Baytown, MN from 6-9 pm. Call 651-602-1844 to reserve <br /> Community Development Director a place at this meeting. <br /> John Rask reports that the City is <br /> currently in negotiations to purchase <br /> this property and expects that it will REMEMBER TO RECYCLE! <br /> be acquired by the end of the year. It <br /> Did you know that recycling afour-foot stack of newspaper saves one mature <br /> is anticipated that the grant will cover <br /> approximately half of the cost, with <br /> tree from being harvested? And one family's yearly supply of daily newspa- <br /> pers can be recycled into almost enough insulation for one house. In Hugo, <br /> the balance coming from the City's <br /> park fund—a special fund set aside by items for recycling are collected curbside as part of your weekly trash collec- <br /> tion. A recycling container is available from your garbage hauler or by call- <br /> the City for park development. Rask <br /> ing City Hall at (651) 429-6676. <br /> explained that when developers <br /> Those items which can be recycled include newspapers, aluminum beverage <br /> sub-divide property in Hugo, $1350 <br /> cans, tin cans,glass jars and bottles, corrugated cardboard,glossy magazines, <br /> is paid into this park fund for each junk mail, boxboard(such as cereal boxes), #1 and#2 plastic bottles, and car <br /> new home site. <br /> and tractor batteries. <br />