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2001 September Newsletter
2001 September Newsletter
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20-YEAR CAPITAL CITY PROJECT UPDATE <br /> IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM from City Engineer Dave Mitchell <br /> PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL <br /> A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) was presented at Production Wells <br /> the August 20, 2001 City Council meeting, outlining The pump house for Well No. 3 is under construction and <br /> major expenditures for the next 20 years in the City of <br /> is on schedule to begin providing water for the City's Sys- <br /> Hugo. Earlier this year the Council hired Springsted, Inc., <br /> tem this fall. The City Council has authorized the City <br /> a Minnesota company that provides financial and <br /> Engineer's office to begin work on Well No. 4. Sites will be <br /> management consulting services to government agencies, <br /> evaluated, and it is anticipated that the new well will be bid <br /> to work with City officials and citizens to put together a <br /> 20-year CIP to coincide with work to the City's later this fall. Construction of the pump house will take <br /> Comprehensive Plan. place next summer, and the well will be providing water to <br /> the City's system in the fall of 2002. <br /> The CIP identifies over 200 capital projects totaling more <br /> than $91 million in expenditures, such as public buildings, Water Tower <br /> major equipment purchases, and infrastructure, including <br /> sewer,water, storm sewers, and road reconstruction. It also The foundation construction has been started for the new <br /> looks at how these capital needs will be financed without water tower, located immediately northwest of the <br /> causing significant changes in the City's tax rates. The CIP Creekview Preserve 3rd Addition, northwest of the current <br /> was presented at the Council meeting, but the more west terminus of 159th Street North. The contractor <br /> important component is an interactive computer model expects to complete the column of the tower this fall. The <br /> which will enable the City to instantly see the impact of water tank will be completed next spring. The City expects <br /> changing any of the parameters involved. the new tower to be operational in the summer of 2002. <br /> Nick Dragisich, senior vice president of Springsted, Inc., Water Main Extensions <br /> who worked with the City on this project, gives an exam- <br /> ple of how the computer model will work. "The staff can Construction is nearly complete for water main extensions <br /> enter what they think their growth is going to be and what to connect Well No. 3 and Water Tower No. 3 to the City's <br /> the capital needs are for that growth, and the computer existing water system. The contractor will be completing <br /> program will come back and say, based on your current tax final testing and restoration work before the middle of <br /> rate and your current fee structure, here is what your finan- September. <br /> cial projections look like. If these aren't acceptable, you <br /> can look at things like changing your tax rate or your user Peloquin Industrial Park <br /> fees or putting a project into a different year—there are an <br /> infinite number of possibilities you can adjust to see what This project will provide sewer and water utilities to the <br /> works best for any given situation." The model is user- Peloquin Industrial Park area and will include the extension <br /> friendly, so City workers can use it on their own, changing of sanitary sewer from the southeast corner of the <br /> parameters to look at different scenarios. Creekview Preserve development. As part of the project, <br /> the street and storm sewer system will be improved to meet <br /> The CIP was developed in interactive sessions with City City standards. The contractor has started de-watering to <br /> staff and Council members at public meetings, as part of an remove groundwater from the area where pipe will be <br /> interactive process. Dragisich adds, "I think that's really <br /> the beauty of it—the computer model allows for a very par- installed. Sanitary sewer pipe installation will begin this <br /> ticipatory process in developing the CIP." City fall. The contractor anticipates completing most of the <br /> Administrator Mike Ericson adds, "We now have a very project before the end of the year. Final paving and <br /> effective long-term planning tool to accurately predict not restoration work will be done in the spring of 2002. <br /> only what we're going to do, but how we're going to pay <br /> for it and what impact it will have on the budget. <br />
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