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2001 September Newsletter
2001 September Newsletter
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COMMUNITY VISIONING FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> OPEN HOUSE TO BE <br /> PROCESS NEARING HELD OCTOBER 13 <br /> COMPLETION <br /> The Hugo Fire Department <br /> Hugo's ongoing community visioning/charette process, which began in March, will host its annual open house <br /> is nearing completion. A final draft of the Community Visioning Plan, a guide on Saturday, October 13, 2001 <br /> for development in Hugo over the next 20 years, is expected to be presented to from noon until 4 p.m. There <br /> the Planning Commission on September 26 and to the City Council at its will be plenty of activities for <br /> October 1 meeting. both children and adults, <br /> including fire truck rides, tours <br /> The City of Hugo selected the Minneapolis architecture, engineering, and plan- of the fire station, and the <br /> ning firm of Hammel, Green, and Abrahamson, Inc. (HGA) to manage this <br /> opportunity to use a real fire <br /> highly public, participatory process, sometimes referred to as a "Charrette" <br /> process. It began with a series of interviews with City staff, elected officials, and hose. The first 100 children <br /> planning commission members. HGA also conducted roundtable discussions who attend will each receive a <br /> and community workshops with Hugo residents. free pumpkin, and there will <br /> also be door prizes,free fire pre- <br /> Rich McLaughlin,senior urban designer with HGA,who has been involved with vention handouts,and a chance <br /> the entire visioning process, states that the plan is oriented around two funda- to meet Smokey the Bear. <br /> mental concepts: the natural environmental system of Hugo and neighborhood <br /> development. "The first part of the plan addresses what we call Hugo's 'coun- <br /> tryside' and includes 'green' areas such as wetlands and active agriculture," This year Fire Department <br /> McLaughlin explains. "We then assimilate that into a 'blue' structure, which personnel will be holding a <br /> includes all the water systems. And what we want to do is link them so that we booya in conjunction with the <br /> can have a healthy ecosystem." open house, with the proceeds <br /> going to the department. The <br /> McLaughlin goes on to say, "The second component of the plan addresses the Fire Department will also <br /> question: How do we construct real neighborhoods? We demonstrate how to benefit from the proceeds of a <br /> weave neighborhoods within the 'green' and'blue' structure, and we also start to <br /> describe some of the standards that could be used to make up those neighbor- hot dog.and bake sale held by <br /> " the Fireflies. . Fire Chief Joe <br /> hoods. <br /> McMahon encourages the <br /> McLaughlin emphasizes that this is what is called a "strategic" or "vision" plan, citizens of Hugo to take <br /> meaning it conceptualizes how the city will evolve. "It is a very basic format— advantage of this chance to <br /> essentially a stepping stone to the next level, which is a comprehensive plan for meet the people who are <br /> the City that includes this vision." dedicated to providing the <br /> Hugo's Community Development Director John Rask believes that the most community with emergency <br /> significant part of the plan is that it provides"a framework for the expansion and medical and fire services. The <br /> redevelopment of what we're referring to as central Hugo—the historical down- Fire Department is located at <br /> :own area." Rask also notes that this framework takes into consideration natur- 5323 140th Street North, one <br /> al features and reflects the traditional "downtown" design concepts, such as block west of Nadeau's Market. <br /> buildings located close to the street with a mix of uses and public spaces. <br />
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