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CITY PROJECT UPDATE EVERTON <br /> from City Engineer Dave Mitchell Continued from Page 3 <br /> 130th Street-Lift-Station R: R�': <br /> The Everton Avenue study will be <br /> presented at a joint Planning <br /> Construction of the piping and pump station on this sanitary sewer lift station Commission and City Council meet- <br /> between Flay Avenue and Goodview Avenue on the south side of 130th Street ing on April 9. The primary purpose <br /> North is complete, and the lift station is operational. Restoration and final clean- of this meeting will be to finalize the <br /> up will occur this spring. The project will provide sanitary sewer service to the 5th land use plan for the neighborhood. <br /> Addition of Beaver Ponds and the surrounding area as it develops. <br /> The overall cost of the study is <br /> approximately $279,000, with just <br /> Production Well No. 3 wf�m over $209,000 being financed by a <br /> Well No. 3 has been completed and tested. The City Engineer's office has com- five-year zero interest loan from the <br /> pleted the construction documents for the well's pump house improvements. The Metropolitan Council. While the <br /> improvement will be bid on March 29,2001 and awarded to a contractor in April. city has had to pay the up-front cost <br /> Construction will:begin in early May.' This well should be operational early this of the study, it will ultimately be <br /> reimbursed by assessing a surcharge to <br /> summer. property owners and developers in the <br /> Everton Avenue neighborhood at the <br /> NMI Water Tower <br /> time they develop their property. <br /> The City Engineer's office has completed the construction documents for Water City Administrator Mike Ericson <br /> Tower No. 3, located immediately northwest of the Creekview Preserve 3rd called the Everton Avenue study an <br /> Addition, northwest of 159th Street North. The improvement will be -bid on "unheard of partnership between the <br /> March 29, 2001 and awarded to a contractor in April. Construction will begin in city, developers, residents, and prop- <br /> May,and the City expects the new tower to be operational in the summer of 2002. erty owners." City Council Member <br /> Chuck Haas commented further on <br /> the project's success. "Everybody <br /> ' Water Main Extensions <br /> a._ came out a winner in one fashion or <br /> The City Engineer's office has completed the construction documents for water another. It's very seldom that you <br /> main extensions to connect Well No. 3 and Water Tower No. 3 to the existing have a whole group of citizens and <br /> water system. The improvement will be bid on April 12, 2001 and awarded to a developers not only get along so well, <br /> contractor in April. Construction will begin in May, and the work will,be com- but appreciate the work of the staff <br /> pleted this summer. and the consultants to the extent that <br /> they gave them a round of applause at <br /> the end. That tells me that our citi- <br /> 7 71 <br /> p <br /> Peloquin Industrial Park- zens are well served and they appreci- <br /> m <br /> ated the job the City did for them." <br /> This project will provide sewer and water utilities to the Peloquin Industrial Park <br /> area and will include the extension of sanitary sewer from the southeast corner of / <br /> the Creekview Preserve development. As part of the project, the street and storm <br /> sewer system will be improved to meet City standards. The City opened bids for <br /> the improvements on March 9 and is currently working to secure construction <br /> easements. The City Council will consider an award of the construction contract <br /> in April. The project would be substantially complete in November, 2001 with <br /> final restoration and paving to be completed before the summer of 2002. <br />