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HOT NEWS FROM THE <br /> HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> City of Hugo Fire Chief Joe Level 2 burns and was conducted for Wolkerstorfer, Tony Bronk, Mike <br /> McMahon reports on the activities of training purposes. Last year Hugo Schwartz, Kurt Grainger, and Jeff <br /> the Hugo Fire Department for the also participated in a drill held in Wenzel for their outstanding perfor- <br /> year 2000: Stillwater, along with departments mance at this fire. <br /> from Marine, Lower St. Croix Valley, <br /> The Hugo Fire Department is a paid, Bayport, and White Bear Lake. During 2000, Hugo firefighters spon- <br /> on-call department that serves the 36- Hugo's duty was to provide training sored a Toys for Tots drive. Santa <br /> square mile City of Hugo. Rather for water shuttle operations in rural traveled through the City of Hugo on <br /> than being staffed 24 hours a day, 7 non-hydrated areas. a fire truck to help collect the toys. <br /> days a week, we are alerted of 911 Pictures with Santa were taken later <br /> calls by the Washington County A specialized training program on res- on at the fire station. The depart- <br /> Sheriff's Dispatch Center through a cuing down, trapped, or missing fire- ment participated in National Night <br /> tone-activated paging system. The fighters at the scene of an emergency, Out, held an open house at the fire <br /> department's current membership is including both classroom and practi- station, and held tours of the station. <br /> 19, and all are state certified cal training, was attended by Dean We also gave fire prevention classes at <br /> Firefighters, EMTs, or First White,Jadon 011ila, Marty Schwartz, both elementary schools and repre- <br /> Responders. The Hugo Fire Greg Burmeister, and Joe McMahon. sented the City of Hugo at the <br /> Department provides fire and rescue Washington County Fair. <br /> services; ambulance transport services Throughout 2000, Hugo also provid- <br /> are provided by the White Bear Lake ed mutualaid to the Forest Lake, Last summer, firefighters provided <br /> Fire Department. Scandia, Marine, and White Bear standby medical services at the <br /> Lake Fire Departments. The services N"tional High School Rodeo Finals <br /> In 2000, emergency alarms of all we provided ranged from extrication � end took part in Hugo Good <br /> },, <br /> types totaled 270,as compared to 217 of victims at automobile accidents to Neighbor Days. The department also <br /> in 1999, representing a 25%increase. providing manpower and equipment participated in all Washington <br /> Overall, the busiest day of the week at commercial or residential fires. County Fire Chiefs Association meet- <br /> was Thursday with a total of 46 emer- Hugo received mutual aid from the ings, and Hugo Fire Department <br /> gencies, and the busiest time of day White Bear Lake, Forest Lake, and Secretary Dean White was elected as <br /> was between 3 and 11 p.m. with 123 Centennial Fire Departments. Secretary-Treasurer of the <br /> responses. Association. All of these activities <br /> The biggest event in which our Fire were on a volunteer basis and totaled <br /> Hugo belongs to both the Capitol Department participated' was the 1700 hours. <br /> City Regional and the Capitol City Carlos Avery reserve fire, where we <br /> Mutual Aid Associations. In 2000, spent a total of 36 hours'fighting this Anyone living within two miles of the <br /> our department hosted a mutual aid fire. During the peak of this incident, Hugo Fire Station who would like <br /> drill,with the Fire Departments from 55 fire departments from Minnesota, more information about becoming a <br /> Forest Lake, White Bear Lake, Wisconsin, and the U Forest Service member of the Hugo Fire Department <br /> Stillwater, and Scandia in attendance. were in attendance. At a City can contact Chief Joe McMahon at <br /> A total of 40 firefighters participated Council meeting, Mayor Wally (651) 429-6366 <br /> in the drill, which was a live burn Stoltzman awarded commendation <br /> exercise consisting of Level 1 and certificates to Jim Compton, Don <br />