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MEET HUGOFS NEW CITY OFFICIALS <br /> Fran Miren Frank Puleo mittees. He grew up in White Bear Lake, <br /> Mayor <br /> Council member, Turd 2 but spent a great deal of time visiting his <br /> grandparents who grew up in Hugo and <br /> Fran Miron,a dairy and crop farmer who Frank Puleo is a business owner who has raised eight children there. Granger and <br /> has lived in Hugo all his life, brings eight lived in Hugo for 14 years and currently his wife Beth have lived in Hugo for 6- <br /> years of City government experience to serves as chairperson of the Hugo 1/2 years and have two children, Michael <br /> his position as Mayor of Hugo, having Planning Commission. He and his wife Jr. ,who is a freshman in college, and <br /> served four years as a City Council mem- Dody have been married for 31 years and Kristina, a junior in high school. <br /> ber(1990-1994) and two terms as Mayor have four adult children and five grand- <br /> (1994-1998). He and his wife Mary Ann children. Granger sees growth as a big issue for the <br /> have been married for 22 years and have City. He states, "Hugo is going to grow, <br /> six children: the oldest is 19 and attends When asked about his election to the and I want to get involved in how we <br /> the University of Minnesota, and the City Council, Puleo replied, "I'm pleased grow. We need to manage the develop- <br /> youngest is in second grade. with the results of the election and appre- ment process. We need to drive the <br /> ciative of the fact that the citizens have development, not be driven by develop- <br /> As Mayor,Miron hopes to implement lis- confidence that I'll be able to fulfill my ers." Communication is another impor- <br /> tening sessions at least every other month duties. We have a city that is changing tant issue for Granger. He goes on to say, <br /> where he sits down with people from the and growing, and there are a lot of things "When I was running, an issue that the <br /> community and talks about their con- that we have to take care of in the next people were concerned about was com- <br /> cerns. "I think that will help to set goals few years. My goal is to try and achieve munication. We need to continue to <br /> and priorities for the City," he explains, these and still maintain the rural lifestyle improve on our dialogue between the cit- <br /> "and identify issues that need to be that Hugo desires." izens and the Council—to make sure we <br /> addressed. I'd like to begin this fairly know what the citizens need and want. <br /> soon because it's important that the new Michael Granger We also need to continue to utilize the <br /> Council sit down and do some long range At-large Council member newer vehicles of communication such as <br /> planning–identifying issues, goals,prior- the internet,make sure we have more fre- <br /> Michael Granger is the president of a traf- <br /> ities. That's something that I've believed fic control safety device company who is quent and more consistent newspaper <br /> in very strongly in the past and would like active in his church and has served on a coverage, and improve cable access by <br /> to continue to do–so we remain focused having the Council meetings broadcast at <br /> variety of professional boards and com- <br /> and maintain direction." different times throughout the day." <br /> Important issues identified during <br /> Miron's campaign include diversification BUILDING BLOCKS <br /> of Hugo's tax base,development of parks, Building department kept busy in 2000 <br /> and surface water management. He goes <br /> on to say, "I'm looking forward to work- As of October 31, 2000 over 300 building permits were issued for new single family <br /> ing with the new Council and the City's homes, setting a record for the City of Hugo. Building Official John Benson assures <br /> excellent staff, many of whom I've us that although the Building Department has been kept very busy, he and his staff <br /> worked with in the past. I'm really hop- have been able to keep up with all of the required inspections and plan checks. <br /> ing that members of the community will <br /> participate in the listening sessions and The City Council extended the current moratorium on new residential subdivisions <br /> participate in our meetings–I encourage until May,2001. However,according to Benson, it hasn't affected building activity in <br /> that so that we can maintain a close con- the City because the City had approved a number of large plats previous to the <br /> tact and stay in tune with what the com- . <br /> moratorium. "It hasn't slowed us down at all," Benson stated, "and we are anticipat- <br /> muniry wants. <br /> ing a lot more activity through next fall,with possibly double the number of permits <br /> issued next year." <br />