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2000 December Newsletter
2000 December Newsletter
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SITE IS SES' FOR NEW CITY HALL <br /> Site, architectural agreement approved for new City Hall <br /> A final decision has been made by the Hugo City "There was always a sentimental attachment to the idea of a <br /> Council concerning the site for Hugo's new City downtown location," explains Haas, "but we were con- <br /> Hall. The Council originally voted 3-2 at its cerned about having to purchase homes where people cur- <br /> September meeting to enter into negotia- rently live." Haas goes on to say that there were two very <br /> tions to purchase the 5-acre Berntsen prop- good reasons to choose this site. "We need, as a City, to take <br /> erty, located on Fenway Boulevard, kitty cor- an active role in the redevelopment of the historic down- <br /> ner from the existing Fire Hall. However, town of Hugo. Putting a City Hall there would accelerate <br /> Oaccording to Ward 3 Council Member such redevelopment and re-energize this area." Haas also <br /> Chuck Haas, it turned out that a good por notes that the 147th St. & Hwy 61 road crossing is proba- <br /> tion of this land was unsuitable for building. bly considered the most dangerous intersection in Hugo. <br /> "By putting the City Hall there,we <br /> At the October 30 Council meet- can improve that intersection and <br /> ing, Haas led an effort to locate the "We need, as a City, to make it safer." <br /> new City Hall at a site directly east <br /> of the current City Hall, across take an active role in the With regard to the cost of the new <br /> Fitzgerald Avenue. This will redevelopment of the his- City Hall, Haas explains that, <br /> require purchasing at least 3 exist- toric downtown of Hugo. given the positive financial outlook <br /> ing homes and relocating their res- for Hugo, the City will not have to <br /> idents. After reviewing the issue, Putting a City Hall there raise taxes to pay for it. Over the <br /> the Council determined that this would accelerate such last five years, City revenues have <br /> was a better site, and voted 4-1 to redevelopment and re- doubled, but expenditures have <br /> purchase this land. �� A only increased by approximately <br /> energize this area. <br /> 50%. A similar increase in rev- <br /> At its November 6 meeting, the enues has been forecast for the next <br /> Council approved an architectural five years, allowing Hugo to spend <br /> agreement with the engineering and architectural firm of $1/2 million to $3/4 million per year for the next five years <br /> Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates to design the on capital improvement programs without raising taxes. As <br /> new City Hall. Haas puts it, "the growth that is causing the need for this <br /> new City Hall is also going to pay for it." <br /> SANTA'S COMING TO HUGO ON A FIRETRUCK <br /> SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2000 Is <br /> Again this year,the Hugo Fire Department and the Hugo Fireflies Drop off sites this year are: Hometown Auto, Paul's Cafe, Firstar <br /> have arranged to have Santa come for our annual "Toys for Tots" Bank, Hugo Chiropractic Clinic and Nadeau's Market. <br /> drive. Here is Santa's schedule: <br /> The Fire Department and the Fireflies would <br /> Saturday, December 16 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm like to extend a very special "THANK YOU" <br /> Santa will be going through the neighborhoods in Hugo, on a to these businesses for their support of the "Toys <br /> firetruck, collecting toys and/or cash donations for Tots"program. The "Toys for Tots"drive <br /> will run from November 24, 2000 to <br /> Sunday; December 17 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm December 18,2000. <br /> Pictures with Santa at the Fire Hall. Polaroid pictures will be <br /> available with all profits being donated to the Toys for Tots drive. <br />
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