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2000 December Newsletter
2000 December Newsletter
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From the Mayor Stolzman <br /> Dear Residents of Hugo, <br /> •Since July, the Hugo City council has moved ahead with many improvements for the city. A new well is being <br /> drilled, so by spring it should be operational. A water tower site is still being explored within the north-cen- <br /> tral area of Hugo. Furthermore, plans for a new city hall are moving ahead, looking at building a new facili- <br /> ty in the general vicinity of the current city hall. Finally, the City is working on adding new sites for parks. <br /> The Hugo City Council has extended the land development moratorium until April of 2001. An additional <br /> nine months can be added if the staff and council desire more time to solve development issues. Even with <br /> the moratorium, Hugo ranked fifth in new home construction in Minnesota in the year 2000. A study of <br /> development issues in the Everton-Elmcrest area is nearly ready to begin. Also, a study to re-evaluate devel- <br /> opment standards is also ready to begin, once the new council is in place. <br /> More than anything, I would like to encourage people to get involved in what happens in our community. <br /> This is your city,whether you have lived here for two months or 50 years. The many complex issues that the <br /> city faces should not be left for just the staff and five council members to solve. We should be taking part by <br /> sharing ideas and supporting our city officials in making decisions. The decisions they make today will stay <br /> with us for many years to come. Some people may choose not to attend meetings, feeling that government <br /> works too slowly or that no one seems to be listening. However, I don't know how many times I have had to <br /> attend at least three or four meetings either at City Hall or with other agencies before some action may have <br /> been taken. So, do not get discouraged or give up too soon. Persistence and patience are important. At the <br /> same time, remember that our leaders can only do just so much, so choose your words carefully, listen care- <br /> fully and put yourself in their place as you voice your concerns to them. A community that rolls up its sleeves <br /> and works together can accomplish great things. <br /> As my term as Mayor is drawing to an end, I would like to say thank you to everyone for your support and <br /> kindness they have shown me during the last two years. I would like to say a special thanks to the many res- <br /> idents who have been my eyes and ears on many issues. They make a big difference in how successful this term <br /> has been. Also, thank you to the city staff for preparing background information and for the day-to-day tasks <br /> they did to make our city a better place to live. And finally, thank you to my family who has put up with many,_ <br /> inconveniences so that I could spend my time with Hugo residents and attend to city business. <br /> My family and I wish each of you a safe and happy holiday season, and a prosperous and peaceful new year. <br /> Respectfully, <br /> Wally Stoltzman, Mayor <br />
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