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New road construction continued from page 1. . . . . WARD 2-CHANGE IN POWNG PLACE <br /> The Minnesota Department of Transportation is currently work- <br /> ing on an operational plan for the Forest Lake-St. Paul com- Beginning with the primary election on September 15, 1998, <br /> muter rail line, which will be considered for funding by the state Ward 2 voters will cast their ballots at Shepherd of the Fields <br /> legislature next spring. The state's decision on this service will Lutheran Church, 6000 148th Street (about three blocks east of <br /> play an important role in determining the timing of any improve- Paul's Pizza). Generally,Ward 2 is located in the northwes <br /> ments to street crossings of the railroad tracks in Hugo. portion of the City. The other polling places, City Hall for <br /> Ward 1, and the Rice Lake Park Building for Ward 3, will <br /> The estimated cost for construction of Fenway Boulevard is remain the same. If you have any questions regarding this <br /> $1,688,803,paid for through State Aid Street Funds (the City's change, or where you should vote,please call.Mary Ann or <br /> share of gas taxes), and assessments to benefited properties. Michele at City Hail,429-6676. <br /> Fenway Avenue,between 140th and 142nd Streets, will also be <br /> improved to serve existing homes along this road in response to <br /> local residents' request, and to take advantage of potential cost- REMINDER TO DOG OWNERS <br /> savings from being part of a larger project. Improving these two Dogs impounded by the City's animal control agent are kept <br /> blocks of Fenway Avenue to the City's urban residential standard for ten days at Animal Control and Management, 1283 <br /> is expected to cost$303,797 that will be paid from assessments Hammond Road,White Bear Township, 426-4013. Owners <br /> to benefiting properties and reserve funds held by the City. collecting their animal from impoundment will be charged for <br /> To promote expansion of the Industrial Park,the City has pur- the animal's boarding and collection. Unlicensed animals must <br /> chased approximately 45 acres of land between Fenway be licensed by the City prior to their release from impound- <br /> Boulevard and Forest Boulevard for resale to industrial users. ment. <br /> The City will recover the cost of the property through future Licenses are required for all dogs six months of age or older <br /> land sales and the additional property taxes generated through kept or housed in the City of Hugo. The term of all dog licens- <br /> development of the property. es runs concurrently with the dog's rabies vaccination, and <br /> Construction of Fenway Boulevard is expected to begin in July proof of rabies vaccination is required for licensing. Dog <br /> and be completed by this fall. licenses may be obtained at City Hall. <br /> The oval-shape adult Japanese beetle is bright metallic gree- <br /> with copper-colored wing covers,and is about 3/8 inch lonL <br /> 1/4 inch wide. Two small tufts of white hair occur just behind <br /> the wing covers with five patches of white hair along each side. <br /> The larvae look like many other grubs found in the soil. Their <br /> bodies are C-shaped and creamy white with the hind end darker. <br /> Full grown grubs are about 1-1/8 inches long. <br /> o Adult beetles start emerging from the ground in late June to early <br /> The Japanese Beetle Grub very closely resembles the common July and reach peak numbers in July and August. <br /> June Beetle Grub. The adult head and thorax are iridescent Citizens are asked to report any suspected sightings of the <br /> green in color like the dragon fly. <br /> Japanese beetle in Minnesota, or extensive damage to lawns, <br /> GARDEN PEST LOOK-OUT roses, grapes,fruit, or other shrubs,to the Department of <br /> The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is asking for assis- Agriculture at (612) 296-3349. <br /> tance in identifying any infestations of the Japanese beetle <br /> found in Minnesota. The Japanese beetle is a major pest of <br /> many types of plants including vegetables,fruit trees,turf grass, <br /> and many ornamental trees, shrubs,and garden plants. <br /> The Japanese beetle was first found in the U.S. in New Jersey in THE SITE <br /> 1916. It is now present in Missouri,Nebraska,and all states east <br /> The City's compost site will be open every Saturday from <br /> of the Mississippi River,except Florida and Mississippi. The 9 AM to 4 PM through the second Saturday in November, <br /> first appearance of the Japanese beetle in Minnesota was in weather permitting. Hugo residents may deposit their <br /> 1962. Minnesota is considered a threatened state, and is subject � grass clippings, leaves, and other soft organic matter(no <br /> to quarantines on horticultural and agricultural products to arrest brush, tree limbs, or wood} at the site located approxi- <br /> the spread of the insect. The movement of soil,plants rooted in • mately 1/4 mile west of Forest Boulevard on 170th S <br /> soil, and grass sod from the eastern U.S. is prohibited unless cer- Compost may be picked up at the site, free of charge to <br /> tified by state agricultural officials that the material is either free Hugo residents, during the same hours. <br /> of Japanese beetle or has been properly treated to eliminate any • <br /> Japanese beetle life stage. <br />