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November 1993 Citizen Survey Results <br /> The survey was conducted as part of the City's review the households in the community. This is an exception,- <br /> of its comprehensive plan to determine public concerns and response rate, and indicates a high level of public interes <br /> opiniAon i%Ay*issues facing the City. The questions in the future of the community. <br /> were generated by citizen committees researching policy Listed below is a general recapitulation of the <br /> options as part of the planning process. The survey was responses received. <br /> administered by Research Quick, a professional survey Copies of the survey results are available for review, <br /> firm. or may be purchased for the cost of reproduction, at the <br /> 1,096 surveys were returned representing over 60%of Hugo City Hall during normal business hours. <br /> likely use if located in Hugo were a grocery store, discount <br /> store, drug store, and restaurants (dine in and take out). <br /> People responding to the survey have lived in the com- 53.1% of the respondents stated that small stores and service <br /> munity from under six months to 79 years, with the average businesses should be limited to industrial zones in the City. <br /> length of residence being 14 years. 33.1% indicated that they should be premitted to operate in <br /> The median point for residency, that is the point where residential areas. <br /> half of the people have lived in the community longer and the <br /> other half for a shorter period of time, is 8 years. The ages of <br /> people filling out the survey range from 8 to 92,with an aver- <br /> age age of 44.2 years. 85% are married, with an almost equal ENVIRONMENT <br /> split between men and women. <br /> Approximately 18% of the respondents were business <br /> owners in the community, with roughly half of these being The results of the survey indicate that residents of Hugo share <br /> involved in agriculture. a high level of concern for environmental issues. 69% of <br /> respondents favored licensing lawn service companies <br /> banning phosphorous fertilizers, unless a need for them is <br /> How large is the lot upon which your documented by a soil test. 82.8% believe the City should pro- <br /> dwelling is located? <br /> hibit the disposal of yard waste in lakes, wetlands, and <br /> drainage ways with a provision of municipal compost site. <br /> 1 TO 5 ACRES(n1%) 55.7% felt there should be regular inspections and mainte- <br /> nance of septic systems. <br /> LMS THAN IACRE(30.4%) Which of the environmental issues you <br /> NO ANSWER(L5%) have labeled "very important" is <br /> the most important to you? <br /> 11 TO 2D ACRES[1.6%) WOODED AREAS(13.5%) <br /> P" WEU,WATER(24.6%) <br /> GREATER THAN 20 ACRES(10.4%) <br /> WETt.ANDS(IL9%) 7 <br /> 6 TO 10 ACRES(1&0%) a <br /> AIR OUAIJrY(5.0%) <br /> DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL PRESE(11.596) <br /> NOISE LEYEIS(7.296) <br /> 68.1%of the people completing the survey indicated that DRAINAGE SYSTEMS(10.8%) NO ANSWER(7.7%) <br /> City zoning codes should favor housing located on large lots, LAS AND STREA?&(7•&*) <br /> with 15.5% favoring more dense housing to preserve land for <br /> agriculture and recreation. <br /> 78.4%of respondents felt it important to encourage moreCITY NAME <br /> businesses to relocate within Hugo to increase the City's tax <br /> base, and 69.6% felt the City should take an active role in pro- 64.1%of respondents preferred keeping the City's name as <br /> moting such business development. Hugo.22.5%favored changing Hugo's name to Oneka. <br /> Specific business residents indicated they would most <br />