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_: <br /> CityCity of Hall Newsletter <br /> City of Hugo, 5524 Upper.146th Street North, Hugo, MN 55038 . 429-6676 January 1993 <br /> _.. .....__............ . _ . __ .._ _. . ...... _ _.. __ ......... .. _ .._.. ._. _............. _ ............__ _.. _.. ._.__. .......... <br /> ._.............. ......._ __ . .. ..... . .......... . ...... <br /> Shareyour visions for Hugo's future <br /> The Hugo Planning line for community develop- the City are actively being insight into those issues <br /> Commission is currently ment for a period of five to sought to work with the present in the community <br /> revising the City's ten years. The plan will Planning Commission to which will have the greatest <br /> Comprehensive Plan, which have a major impact on research and analyze key impact on the economic and <br /> is a set of goals for the com- which programs and ser- issues, and recommend social development of the <br /> munity establishing the vices are provided by the policies for adoption in the City. Study groups made up <br /> frame work for the future City and the way they are plan. of City residents will then <br /> development of the city. implemented, as well as The planning process conduct research on those <br /> The Planning Commission determine land use patterns will start with an issue iden- issues identified as being of <br /> hopes to develop a plan and development trends. tification Workshop (see most importance and make <br /> which provides a shared Public participation related article in this policy recommendations to <br /> vision for the future of throughout the planning Newsletter) to gain public the Planning Commission. <br /> "ugo, reflecting the aims process is critical to the suc- <br /> .d desires of its residents. cess of Hugo's plan. <br /> When the revision is Opportunities are being <br /> Hugocompleted, Hugo's Compre- made available throughout Workshop <br /> hensive plan will provide the process to obtain public <br /> policy guidance and an out- comment, and residents of January 14 <br /> A work shop is being 9:00 p.m. <br /> conducted by the City of This meeting is meant <br /> Mayor's Corner Hu o on Janua 14, 1993 to to be an opportunity for peo- <br /> g January <br /> hear public concerns on the ple with concerns about the <br /> Share our concerns about the future of Hugo. future of Hugo to have an <br /> Y g future of the community.The impact on the City's policy <br /> about the future of the Citizens who are issues identified in the work- development process. Open <br /> community with Hugo's unable to attend the shop will provide a basis for and frank discussion of the <br /> Mayor during two coffee Planning Commision research and policy develop- community's strengths & <br /> meetings at Paul's Pizza. workshop on January 14th ment during revision of the weaknesses and potential <br /> Mayor Stoltzman will are especially invited to city's comprehensive plan. future development is <br /> be at Paul's Pizza, visit with Mayor Stoltzman Mr. William Coleman desired. <br /> Highway 61 and 148th St. at this time. Commentsof the Minnesota Depart- <br /> Everyone with an inter- <br /> from 7:00 9:00 p.m., received at the meeting ment of Trade and Economic est in the future of Hugo is <br /> Tuesday, January 12, and will be used in revising the Development, will moderate invited to attend. For people <br /> from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., City's comprehensive plan. the workshop, which will be who are not able to partici- <br /> Wednesday, January 13, to held at the Hugo Elementary pate in the workshop,written <br /> listen to resident concerns school, 14895 Francesca comments may be sent to the <br /> Avenue North, from 7:00 <br /> City Clerk's Office. <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 1 <br />