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1993 January Newsletter
1993 January Newsletter
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M0 <br /> aintenance Drainage Ways <br /> Maintenance of surface eastern Hugo, with the inten- concerned with, and plan for, department has copies of site <br /> water drainage patterns is a tion of developing a long the impact of landscaping and plans and drainage easeme, <br /> major concern in many areas range strategy to manage it's development activities on sur- on file. If you are unsure <br /> of Hugo, due to the combina- surface water. The high cost face water flow. Property where the drainage is <br /> tion of relatively flat terrain involved in engineering stud- owners are responsible for designed to flow across your <br /> and high ground water lev- ies for such planning disal- maintaining most drainage property please contact the <br /> els. The City is currently lows the completion of such a ways on their property. For City Building Inspector prior <br /> developing a surface water plan for the City all at once. many of the newer develop- to any landscaping or con- <br /> management plan for south- Property owners need to be ments the City planning struction activities. <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> • Plowing Your Driveway <br /> seeking representatives <br /> The Rice Creek of wetlands, regulation of The City of Hugo which compounds the <br /> Watershed District is seek- development in environ- has recently received amount of snow piled <br /> ing new members for its mentally sensitive areas, a number of com- on the roadside. <br /> Advisory Committee. and studies and improve- <br /> plaints regarding the Snowplows have also <br /> Watershed District ments relating to the water clearing Of driveways been damaged when <br /> Advisory Committees are quality of area lakes and <br /> authorized by state law to streams. by pushing snow hitting compacted and <br /> advise and assist the Board Prospective members across public road- frozen snow deposited <br /> of Managers upon all mat- are invited to attend any ways. The piles of On Or across the road- <br /> ters affecting the interests of meeting of the Advisory snow and ridges that way. The action of <br /> the District and to make Committee at 3585 remain on the road- plowing Snow onto <br /> recommendations to the Lexington Avenue North. way because of this and across public <br /> managers upon all contem- Meetings are held at 7:30 <br /> plated projects and works of p.m. on the first Wednesday activity create real roads is punishable as <br /> improvement in the District. of each month, except for hazards for motorists. a misdemeanor under <br /> Advisory Committee July and August. Questions The snow on the Minnesota Statutes <br /> members need not be regarding the Advisory roadway can create 160.27, Subd. 5. The <br /> experts in water manage- Committee and requests for slippery conditions person responsible for <br /> ment or government affairs. application forms may be and clumps of ice that depositing snow On Or <br /> However, they should have directed to the District <br /> an interest in water-related office at 483-0634. are as hazardous as across the highway, <br /> topics such as preservation large rocks. The piles may also be liable in a <br /> on the sides of the civil lawsuit if damage <br /> roads freeze and or injuries occur as a <br /> become nearly result of the action. <br /> Can't come to us, immovable objects to The City of Hugo <br /> we'll come to ol.],t t vehicles which may encourages people <br /> Y lose control and hit not to add to the haz- <br /> If your group is mal and informal them. This activity ards of winter driving <br /> also creates snow- by depositing or plow- <br /> interested in the meetings to provide plowing problems. ing snow onto or <br /> future of Hugo and updates throughout Piles of snow act as a across public right-of- <br /> would like to hear the comprehensive ' <br /> snow fence and create way. <br /> about the City's plan- plan revision process. blowing and drifting <br /> ning efforts, the City Call City Hall at 429- <br /> will provide a guest 6676 to schedule. <br /> speaker to attend for- <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 2 <br />
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